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Everybody has a basal metabolic rate. This is the amount of calories required to keep one's body functional at rest. This normally ranges from 1000-1500 calories.

Any exercise must be fuelled by more calories. If more excercise is being done than what one's calorific intake can fuel, the body will digest its own stores. Fat is often the main store used.

So, if you were to decrease your calorie intake by 1000 and that therefore was not enough to fuel your exercise, weight loss would occur. If you reduced your calorie intake by 1000 and you were still consuming more than your exercise requirements then one would put on weight.

If a reduction of 1000 calories means your total calorific intake was less than your basal metabolic rate, a severe and unhealthy amount of weight loss would occur. Muscular digestion would occur and healthiness would rapidly decline

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Q: What happens if you reduce your calorie intake by 1000?
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Calorie intake to lose weight for a 50 yr old female?

1000 kcal per day should be sufficient.

Why wont you lose weight if you eat less than 1000 calories?

You will eventually lose weight on a 1000 calorie diet. On such a low calorie intake, the body starts eating away at muscle for nutrients. This is not good. Consult a registered dietician.

What is the relationship between the Calorie and a kilocalorie?

The difference between a calorie and a Calorie is calorie is a smaller unit than Calorie and it takes 1000 calorie's to make a Calorie. The Calorie (kilocalorie, kcal) is 1000 calories - a more useful unit and widely used.

Can eating half portion sizes help to lose weight?

Long story short yes, you would be cutting your calorie intake by half, a 1000 calorie meal just became a 500 Calorie meal. creating a deficient of calories will lower your weight.

What is the deference of a nutritional calorie and a chemical calorie?

A nutritional Calorie is 1000 times a chemical calorie.

A unit of heat that is equivalent to the amount of heat need to change the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius is called a?

This is known as a calorie. The calorie you may know of (that is used on nutrition labels) is actually a kilocalorie (1000 calories), and is shortened to "calorie" to reduce confusion.

How many calorie do you need for a diet?

The daily amount of calories needed depends on many factors including a person's age, height, physical activity, body mass, and many other variables. The average calorie intake for a man is considered 2000-2100 for women and 2700-2900 for men. However an avid athlete may require 6000 or more calories. In order to figure out the specific amount of calories a person needs there are various formulas one can use. To lose 1lb a week you need a negative calorie balance of 500 calories per day. To lose weight at 2lb a week you need to reduce your calorie intake by 1000 calories a day.

How do you start a 1000 calorie diet?

You can start a 1000 calorie diet by getting a food diary to record everything you ate during the day and attributing the correct calorie count to each food.

How much is the calorie value?

one Calorie (or one kilocalorie) is equal to 1000 calories

What is 1000 kilo calorie called?

a megacalorie

What is the difference between a Calorie on a food label and a calorie in science?

Both Calorie and calorie are measurements of energy. 1 Calorie = 1000 calories Upper-case Calorie is used in nutritional terms and is sometimes also referred to as a kilocalorie to avoid confusing it with the lower-case calorie. Please see the related link for more details The Calorie (kilocalorie, kcal) is 1000 calories - a more useful unit and widely used.

How many calories make up 1 calorie?

1000 calories make up 1 Calorie