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Noob Crunches ;)

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Q: What game on the Wii fit plus burns the most calories?
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Is it 3500 calories plus your normal daily amount of calories to gain a pound?

No. its not plus ur dail amount of calories.!

What heat sources causes burns?

All heat sources. Plus extreme cold sources cause burns.

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You can't really have an ending on a game like nintendogs plus cats. This game is what is known as a simulation game. Most simulation games don't have an ending.

Do you need a CD burner to burn a CD?

Yes. Plus a program that burns. Plus files.

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460 calories plus about 50 calories for each container of dipping sauce.

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When methane burns, the carbon dioxide and water formed, equal the mass of the methane plus the mass of the oxygen.

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Is there a new game plus for Fallout New Vegas?

I just beat the game and there is no new game plus.

What is the difference between Final Fantasy X-2 New Game and New Game Plus?

New game plus allows you to play threw the game again, to try to beat the game 100%, and possibly getting the things you missed. If you get 100% you unlock the true ending, but I'm not gonna give anything away. in new game plus you keep most items, dresspheres and ability's. in my opinion you should do it.

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Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, plus the Mask of Miracles.

Where can you purchase flight simulator?

Its available through many on line game suppliers plus its also available from most of the good computer game shops