If you meant "Celiac" as in Celiac Disease, you need to be on a gluten-free diet and must avoid wheat, barley, rye and oats.
Spicy foods, whole milk, alcohol, coffee, sodas and soft drinks, ice cream, orange juice, and beans should be avoided for those hoping to have a successful Gastritis diet.
Yes, some spices can be harmful to cats and should be avoided in their diet. It is best to stick to cat-specific foods and consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new ingredients to their diet.
My husband has high triglycerides. The foods you need to avoid are sweets and sugars and foods that are high in carbohydrates. Also sodas should be avoided.
Many foods have to be avoided when switching to a gluten free diet. Any form of wheat must be taken out of one's diet, along with oats, barley, rye and anything containing flour. Plenty of fruits, vegetables should be added, along with unprocessed meats and rice flour.
Foods that have high cholesterol like red meat or vegetables like red chili peppers. Also limiting the consumption of dairy should be avoided. And limiting the amount of soda.
Other principles of a healthy diet are avoiding artificial and processed foods, eating food that is as fresh and natural as possible, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.
People with acid reflux should avoid caffeine, greasy food, grains, sweets and acidic foods. Alcohol can also trigger heartburn, so it should be avoided. About.com has a heartburn section that includes charts listing foods to be avoided, foods to eat with discretion and foods that are safe.
Nothing, just watch your diet. Spicy foods, legumes (beans, nuts, etc), any other foods that give you gas should be avoided.
Foods with a lot of saturated and trans fat should be avoided. Foods that are small like rice will also progress osteoarthitis. Eat more fruits and vegetables for a better diet.
There is no fix-all fibromyalgia diet, but cutting back on processed foods, sugars, and red meat often helps with symptoms. NSAIDs can be problematic as well and should be avoided when possible.
A good colitis diet is to include good fats, complex carbs and protein. Everything else should be allowed in absolute small portions and not often. Alcohol, nuts and spicy sauces should be avoided at all costs. Caffeine can hurt too.