Food have high natural sugars because it is the byproduct of photosynthesis. Natural sugars are plentiful in fruits that give them their sweet, appealing taste.
no we dont. your body can get it's sugars from Fruits like Apples and Oranges the Natural way. sugars are just a treat. not a nessesity
Natural sugars, found in fruits and dairy products, are generally considered better for health than added sugars, which are often found in processed foods and beverages. This is because natural sugars come with other beneficial nutrients like fiber and vitamins, while added sugars provide empty calories with little nutritional value. Consuming natural sugars in moderation as part of a balanced diet is recommended for overall health.
Generally Not. Only sugar naturally in fruits should be eaten. Overconsumption of sugar can cause many diseases. Further it is empty calories. Meaning that when you eat foods sweetened with extra sugar like candy, you are consuming calories with little if any nutritional value. Also sugar is bad for your teeth.
They are called added sugers
Sugars or Potatoes
what foods lowers sugars
Natural sugars, like those contained in fruits, are normally diabetic friendly. I have heard that those with diabetes would typically want to steer clear of starches and artificial sugars.
dont noe
Flies are attracted to all sorts of foods. Peanut butter contains natural sugars, which will attract flies as well.
Anything that has sugar in it, whether it be natural sugars or artificial sugars can be fattening. Assuming you do not burn up the sugar after it is turned into ATP, it will eventually change forms and turn into fat. Besides, everything had some fat content in it. All you need to do to counteract this is to exercise often and eat well (foods without a lot of ADDED SUGARS, natural sugars are really good for you in fact).