If you have diabetics you should be eating a low carbohydrate diet. You can eat vegetables, lean meats, rice and whole-grain foods, but avoid refined sugars.
The best way to find advice on low carbohydrate diet foods would to be talking with your doctor, or hiring a physical trainer. They will walk you through the foods to, and not to eat.
Cornstarch is not inherently bad for you, but it is a refined carbohydrate with little nutritional value. It can be part of a balanced diet in moderation, but should not be a primary source of calories. If you are trying to eat a healthier diet, it is best to focus on whole, unprocessed foods.
What foods you eat really do affect how you feel. If you eat starchy and carbohydrate enriched foods, you're more likely to be tired than those who ate protein.
It depends on what type of diet you eat.
Some of the foods on the franch diet are dietry meats, eggs, vegetables, herbs, fruits, rye bread and much more. The french diet has a good list source for the foods you should eat on there diet which all seems to be great foods.
The heartburn diet is a diet that lists the foods you should eat and the foods you should avoid if you have trouble with acid reflux/heartburn. An example of some foods you would eat on this diet are: Apples, Bananas, Carrots, Egg Whites. You can read more on this diet here : http://heartburn.about.com/cs/dietfood/a/heartburnfoods1.htm
No, you should choose foods that are good for a diet, yet I do not know. Diet diet diet diet diet, that is what you must do to be healthy. Then you loose more weight through dieting and exercising.
You do not need to eat the carbohydrates in your diet. They fallow you in your diet. Low carbohydrate in your diet is a good thing. You should avoid taking high carbohydrate diet. That is bad for health. They promote the obesity. Your body can convert fat into source of energy. Extra proteins can be and are converted into energy, in your body.
the best diet is to eat in smaller portions e.g. 3/4 of what you normally eat, and eat more healthy foods unlike foods such as chocolate, takeaways, fast food etc
Okay few tips for u that is going for a carbohydrate diet. Try to eat alot of vegetables and meat. An good portion should be look like a normal portion with out potatoes pasta and other food that contains alot of carbohydrate. Drink only water couse many other drinks contain alot of carbonhydrates.
A balanced diet, with slightly higher levels of protein.