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Many foods comr from plants. Fruits, vegetables, and grain all come from plants.

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Q: What foods comes from plants?
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What happen to living things if green plants do not make food?

Eventualy they will starve to death as all our energy comes from foods produced by plants.

Foods that come from plants?

lots of foods come from plants. i am doing a project, and i have to name 20 things from plants. One of the foods is apples, bananas, strawberries, and lots more!

Are there foods that are not made by plants?


How does food come from plants?

All food comes from plants, though not all foods come directly from plants, for example beef originally was a plant, because the cow eats the grass, which is a plant. There may be one or two exceptions to this but none that I am aware of :L

How plants produce their foods?

plants produce their food by photosynthesis

Where does food come froms?

Ultimately all food comes from the sun (but you can't get any nutrients yourself from that directly, except for vitamin D).Secondarily all food comes from some kind of green plant that can make sugar directly from sunlight and then use that sugar to make or collect the other main nutrients.Tertiarily some foods come from animals that eat plants and make certain nutrients that plants can't make.Quaternarily some foods come from microbial (fungi and/or bacteria) fermentation of foods from plants or animals.Quintinarily some foods are processed and packaged in factories.Finally you usually purchase food from a store, restaurant, food vendor, etc.

What do plants need in order to manufacture their own food?

plants need carbon dioxide, sun light, and water to manufacture foods. leaves are the plants foods.

What foods do you get from plants?

Fruits and vegetables

What is indigenous foods?

Indigenous foods are nothing but, where the word "indigenous" refers to the plants that are native to the Americas. So, the food items which are prepared from the plants which are native to Americas will be referred as indigenous foods.

Why do plants have molds?

Plants have molds because molds depend on them for foods. That's why molds have plants.

How do you not get energy directly from the foods you eat?

because the energy comes from the sun, plants absorb energy, an animal eats the plant and then we eat the animal. The animal didn't create the energy.

How do the gorilla gets its foods?

the gorilla get its foods by foraging for plants high up in the mountains