In order to lose weight around your belly you have to lose weight from your whole body first. You can do this by eating foods that are low in fat and sugar and will keep you full for longer.
Good foods for this are wholemeal bread, oats and foods with a low GI rating. Another Answer Some of the best belly fat burning foods are Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids
1. Avocado
2. Olive Oils
3. Pea nuts
4. Dark Chocolates
There are no "fat burning foods." Foods contain fat; they don't burn it. Exercise is what burns fat.
Abs are also muscles like your chest and arms. And spot reduction of fat is not possible. Fat gets burns when you do ab workout but the fat is not from your abs alone. It comes from all over your body. so train your abs like any other muscle, twice or at the maximum thrice a week and start doing cardio activities to quicken your fat loss goals.
blueberries burn fat and celery burns calories
What you can do is isometrically contractyour stomach against a chair for example this burns off calories and fat in your abdominal area and will also gain some abs. This is what I do at school.
Keep working your abs, while shedding fat, to get your abs to look hard. You will want to eat nutrient-rich foods that are high in fiber and low in fat, while maintaining a good cardio workout regime, to lose weight and have fab abs.
Eat a balanced diet of maccahs, beers and deep fried foods until you fat enough to get surgery!
While it would be difficult to get great abs purely by dieting, there are certain foods that with exercise will help you reach your goal faster. Many of these foods are high in protein and fiber, but low in fat. Almonds are a great example.
No food burns belly fat. Belly fat is burned by, having an active life and exercising for 30 minutes a day 7 days a week. That should help burn belly fat.
No food burns the fat off your body but stimulants and metobolic boosters like caffine, yohimbine etc increases your metabolism and in turn help you burn a lot of fat
eat good foods not junk food and exercise your abs is what you have to doHave a blessed day.
get fat... or get lazy... or don't exercise your abs...
The Abs diet has an official web site. Keep in mind that when your body burns fat, it does it where ever your body decides it's going to burn fat. Doing ab exercises wont make you lose belly fat only. It will help you gain muscle definition, though. More information can be found