he should be eating very healthy. once in awhile a little sweets & fast food.very little
Eat very fast!
DAAHH u would die they just eat very little amounts
the food that the soldiers had during the battle was not enough.they received very little, the only thing they had was corned beef and it was very hard to eat considering the fact that it was the only thing they had.
The food they eat has very little nutritional value, so to get enough energy out of it they have to eat a lot.
The convenience food in the kitchen enable people to eat such food very quickly with little or no cooking.
fish eat a little of fish food because they are little
You should not eat dog food at all.
Fried food = bad for you = you're unhealthy = 'y you suck so much at football?'
You should not eat dog food at all.
This diet should be high in fiber content and contain good, natural foods. Should be low in sugar and white flour products such as pasta and eat very little processed food.
They eat little rats