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Grain, ruminant animal by-products and any other human junk food that is really high in energy and protein.

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Q: What food is dangerous to cows?
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Related questions

How dangerous is a herd of cows?

Not too dangerous unless the herd is running in your direction and there is nothing to stop them, unless of of course we are talking about non-domestic cows, in which case, they can be more dangerous than their domestic cousins.

How do cows make food?

Cows actually do not make food. Humans are responsible for that sector of the economy.

What type of food do super cows eat?

The same type of food that all other cows eat.

When can cows get food on their own?

Cows can get food on their own when they are out on pasture. The act to which they are able to do so is called "grazing."

What if food?

the probing of cows

Is St Johns Wort dangerous for cows?

Yes, it is extremely dangerous. It causes photosensitivity and possible liver damage

What kind of food does cows makes?

Cows make milk from eating grass.

What food has vitamins for cows and dogs?

Cows and dogs have different feedstuff requirements, thus there is no one food that contains vitamins (or any other nutrient) for both cows and dogs.

Can cows make their own food?


How long does it take for food to pass through cows system?

the cows digestion takes 8 hours to digest the food or cud

What is more dangerous a pack of wolves or a herd of cows?

A herd of cows. You can scare off wolves with a gun, or fire, but cows you can shoot at them, but they wont stop. No matter what.

What is a cows four stomachs for?

Digesting food.