They are in the fats, oils, and sweets group.
Chocolate Chips belong in the fats, oils and sweets food group.
Fats, Oils, and Sweets and it even then it says to eat sparingly
A candy bar belongs in the fats, oils and sweets food group.
Puff pastries belong in the fats, oils and sweets food group.
It is part of the fats, oils and sweets group
Margarine belongs in the fats, sweets and oils food group.
Chocolate chips belong in the fats, oils and sweets food group.
Sugar is not a food group. It is part of the carbohydrate group.
Fats, Oils, and Sweets.
The food group with the most amount of sugar is fats, oils and sweets.
fats oil and sweets have largest amount of energy.