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Meat and fish are naturally high in protein. Certain nuts, yogurts and beans can also have high amounts of protein naturally. If you want to get protein outside of your regular diet, you could try protein powders.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Food which comes from animal source that are eggs, chicken, fish, mutton, milk and milk products (curd, yogurt, buttermilk, paneer, cheese) are rich sources of proteins. Foods such as pulses, legumes, nuts, soy and soy products are also high in protein. Among these egg is the best source of protein.

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11y ago

Meat like steak and chicken have high protein in them.
Foods like salmon, brown rice, eggs, nuts, and cottage cheese.
All unrefined foods contain protein. Determining which foods contain "high" protein depends on how you measure it. Kale, for example, contains 6.6 grams of protein in a 100-calorie serving, whereas a 100-calorie serving of ground beef has only 4.3 grams of protein.

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11y ago

Some foods with the highest levels of protein are chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, halibut, low fat mozzarella, cottage cheese, pork loan, beef, veal, tofu, beans, eggs, yogurt, milk, and a variety of nuts and seeds.

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11y ago

To incorporate protein into your diet you should be looking towards meat. Things such as chicken, and pork loins will give you lots of protein. Now if you are looking for protein outside of the regular meat products, then eggs, fish and yogurt would be great alternative choices.

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13y ago

Protein is an essential macronutrient, along with carbohydrates and fats. Protein is essential for building and maintaining all of the different tissues in the body, which is why it is often referred to as the building blocks of life. In fact, every cell in your body contains protein in one form or another, and without protein, your body would be unable to repair itself or create new cells.

The importance of protein comes from the amino acids it contains. These amino acids can be divided into three main categories, essential amino acids which your body cannot make on its own, non-essential amino acids that your body can make on its own, and conditional amino acids, which are used only at certain times, such as when your body is placed under stress. To get the right amount of amino acids, it's important to eat a varied diet that is rich in proteins, especially regarding the nine essential amino acids, such as lycine and tryptophan.

While many foods contain proteins, some have a much higher protein count than others. Animal-based products are especially high in protein. Most animal products including beef, pork, chicken, eggs and dairy products are high in protein. Stick to less fatty sources when possible to reduce intake of fat and cholesterol, such as Greek yogurt, egg whites, fish or other seafood, skinless chicken, turkey or lean cuts of pork or beef.

High protein content can also be found in plant-based products. In fact, when plant-based protein sources are combined together in a varied diet, you can still achieve optimum levels of all the amino acids without having to eat meat products, which is important for those who choose to live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. One main plant-based protein source which provides all nine essential amino acids are soybean products, such as tofu. Other plant-based foods high in protein include all types of beans, nuts, lentils, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, and to a lesser extent fruits like cantaloupe, strawberries and Oranges.

Like any macronutrient, balance is essential in maintaining health. Two to three servings of foods high in protein are typically enough to meet most adults dietary needs, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

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11y ago

If you are looking to incorporate more high protein foods in your diet, start off by eating more lean cuts of meat. Quality sources of meat such as fish, poultry, beef, pork, lamb and wild game provide a wide array of amino acids, fat soluble vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that help individuals build lean muscle mass and lose body fat. For individuals that want to abstain from eating meat other sources of high protein include beans, legumes, dairy, nuts, and seeds.

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12y ago

High protein food are foods which are high in protein. Like fish, lean meat, eggs, milk and beans.

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13y ago

Some foods that provde proteind are steack, hamburger, chicken, fish, pork, eggs and dairy, beans and soy beans, all kinds of nuts and all kinds of seeds.

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11y ago

The food with the most protein per 100g is turkey breast. It has 30g of proteins per 100g of food. The number two in high protein foods are fish like tuna, salmon and halibut.

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Try Wikipedia, they tend to have lists for everything! But foods that contain soy are considered high protein, as is chicken and fish. Its up to you to find the food that best fits your lifestyle.

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