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Basal Energy expenditure (BEE) is the amount of energy needed by the body for maintenance of life when a person is at complete digestive, physical, mental, thermal, and emotional rest (10- 12 hours after eating, 12 to 18 hours after physical activity, and measured immediately on waking). Most of the body's total expenditure is spent maintaining necessary bodily functions in the form of BEE. The majority of that energy is used by small but highly active tissues (liver, brain, heart, kidney, and GI tract). The factors that influence non basal energy needs are Lean Body Mass, Growth Periods, Body Temperature and Hormonal Status. Williams' Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy 13th edition pg.81-84

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Q: What factors influence nonbasal energy needs?
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Whar factors influence nonbasal energy needs?

Basal Energy expenditure is the amount of energy needed by the body for maintenance of life when a person is at complete digestive, physical, mental, thermal, and emotional rest. The factors that influence non basal energy needs are lean body mass, growth periods, body temperature, and hormonal status.

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