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Enola Bergstrom

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Q: What elements is found in proteins but not carbohydrate and fats?
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What three chemical elements always found in carbohydrate fats and protein?

They all have Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen in them. Proteins also have Nitrogen in them.

What elements are found in both fats and proteins?

Both fats and proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Additionally, proteins contain nitrogen while fats do not.

What has Fats?

Fats are found in food. They are one of the three components of nutrition; carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

What are the names of the seven food groupes?

carbohydrate , proteins , fats , vitamins, minerals, fibre & water

What are the three classified of food?

proteins, carbohydrates and fats, (fiber is a carbohydrate that is indigestible, typically cellulose)

5 Carbohydrates fats and proteins are primarily composed of what six key elements?

Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Carbohydrates and Fats have the same elements while Proteins have Nitrogen

Is a nucleotide a carbohydrate or lipid?

Neither, a carbohydrate is a sugar, proteins are amino acids, lipids are fats! Nucleotides are what make DNA and RNA! They are considered a monomer

Three example of carbohydrates?

the examples of carbohydrate foods are monosaccharides which are simplest carbohydrate foods, disaccharides which are two monosaccharides joined together in covalent bonds, and polysaccharides which are thousands of monosaccharides.

What kind of macromolecule is sugar?

There are three macromolecules: 1. fats 2. proteins 3. carbohydrates Sugar is a carbohydrate.

Do proteins increase weight?

No proteins can not help to gain weight. It is because it is not going to provide energy like carbohydrate and fats do. It is also not going to be stored as any other energy material for like fats or glycogen.

When most proteins fats and carbohydrate are digested completely they are converted to end products that?

When most proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are digested completely, they are converted to the end products that are soluble and can easily pass through cell membranes.

What two elements are living things?

Carbon and hydrogen are two elements that are essential for living things. They are found in molecules like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that form the basic building blocks of life.