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When organic crops are pollinated with GMO crops, the GMO gene can become a part of the organic crop, so the organic seed for the following year contains the GMO. Technically, since organic crops are not supposed to have GMOs in them, this contaminates the organic crops.

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Q: What effect does pollen from genetically modified plants have on organically grown plants when they are cross pollinated?
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What effect does pollen from genetically modified plants have on organically grown plants?

Pollen from GMO plants can (and do) cross pollinate with organically grown plants of the same species (corn with corn, soybeans with soybeans, etc.), which results in contamination of the organically grown plants.

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It really depends what type of genetically modified crop it is

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What is the effect that genetically modified foods has on society?

We have genetically modified foods for centuries by selective cross breeding plants. With out this and other modern methods of farming perhaps a billion people now existing on a substance diet would starve to death.

Which person is least likely to be concerned about potential long term side effect of genetically modified (GM) food?

a child who is starving

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People who live in a poor village.

What is pre-disposition?

Genetic Predisposition is a genetic effect which influences the phenotype of an organism but which can be modified by the environmental conditions. Genetic testing is able to identify individuals who are genetically predisposed to certain health problems.

What effect does genetically modified food have on your genes?

Some argue that genetically modified food has no effects on human or animal genes. They also argue that GMO foods are the same as any other foods and have no negative health effects at all. Others argue that they might cause changes to our genes, and that they do cause changes to the flora in our intestines, possible sterilization, and other health issues. The FDA has declared then to be "substantially equivalent" to non GMO foods. In reality, we just do not know what effects genetically modified food have on our health or our genes.

Why are people so concerned about genetically modified food?

People are concerned about this because genetically modified food is not natural food. It was genetically modified by a human or a machine. In either case, man made machine, and man isn't perfect. So, because of that, people are so concerned.

Is it true that to sell food that is unfit for human consumption?

This is already in effect nowadays. The FDA allows companies to sell genetically modified food, which theoretically is unfit for human consumption due to potential health reasons.

What effect do genetically modified foods have on people's health?

There are no scientifically proven effects of any kind. However, as with any new technology, there is much rumor and conjecture, from simple allergies to the notion that it could somehow change the human genome.

What can we do about genetically modified food?

That depends on what you mean by "What can we do…" If you mean how can we stop GMO foods or how can we avoid eating them, the answer is simple. Stop buying foods that you think might contain GMOs. When food manufacturers' profits decline, it does have an effect. An example is Cheerios. Apparently, sales dropped to the point that General Mills was losing money, so they modified the ingredients to eliminate GMOs in Cheerios.