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it makes them stronger and healther although u don have to eat just healthy stuff a bit of junk food probably wont hurt just make sure to eat healthy and excerise

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Q: What effect did healthier food have on people?
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What is the effect of animal extinction in the world?

The demise of fast food and a healthier planet.

Why do people become food vegetearians?

Because they want to become healthier.

Why is there increasing demand for organic foods?

There is an increasing demand for Organic foods because people have learned that it is healthier than food grown with pesticides, so it is in high demand for healthier food.

Why are healthier food good for you?

because healthier food has nutrition's in them to energies you unlike unhealthy food that bring you down

How do people eat healthy?

They look at healthy or healthier food and see what they like and incorperate it into there diets

What effect does McDonald's food have on people?

The effect McDonalds have on people is that it makes you OBESE and unhealthy

Ask us anythingWhen people improved their diet by eating cooked food the effect was .?

People were healthier, lived longer got sick less often. More people lived to become grown ups, and had healthy children. As a result the population grew.

Is smaller portions of unhealthy food healthier than healthy foods?

No. Healthy food is healthier than smaller portions of Junk Food.

Is healthier food really good for you?

Depends on what you consider "healthier." Oatmeal is healthier than your typical cereal coated in sugar, but cereal in itself is still healthier than fried chicken. In general, healthier food is better for you because it is the better choice.

Why is it important to select healthy food alternatives?

There are many impacts of choosing healthier food. A person will feel healthier, be healthier, and have a better chance of fighting disease and illness.

Why are more and more people demanding eco-friendly food?

so they can eat healthier for example vegetables.

How can you change your snack or food to make it healthier?

you can change you snack and food to healthy by buying healthier things at the grocery store. Then you will not be tempted to eat junk food :)