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I presume you mean type. Too much fat on the body leads to difficulty for the heart to pump blood throughout the body, which leads to high blood pressure, and can lead to heart failure or a heart attack. It makes in harder for the organs to work with that extra weight on the body. Too much fat on the body or just too much fat in the diet even at an okay bmi can lead to increase plaque build up in arteries which can lead to high blood pressure or blood clots.

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u die very slowly

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Q: What does too much or too little fat do to you?
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What will happen with too much or too little fat in a pie?

You will die.

Is fat good for your body?

A little bit of fat is good. too much however can cause health problems

Why is it important we monitor fat in your diet?

It is important to monitor fat in our diet because we do not want to consume too much fat. This can cause problems with the heart. It is essential that we not eat too little fat, either.

Can too much fat kills you?

Yes too much fat can kill you.

Will cheese make your body fat?

Well, no. Eating too much and getting too little exercise will cause you to gain weight.

Is fat bad or good for you?

It can be both bad and good. Too little amount of fat in your body can kill you and too much fat can cause obesity for you. So you have to pretty much not over do that amount of fat that gets put into your body but also not starve yourself from the fats as it can also kill you.

Why is slimming dangerous?

If we eat too little food, we will use up our store of fat and become too thin. If we eat too much food, especially foods rich in sugar and fat, we will increase our store of fat and become too fat. It is important to balance the amount of food we eat with who we are and what we do. The amount of energy we need from our food depends on our age, our height and how much exercise we get.

Does extreme fitness delay puberty?

Yes. Your body needs some amount of fat to develop, and if you have too much muscle (and little or no fat), you will not go into puberty.

What cause a lighting?

Often a woman will have a light period if she has either too much or too little body fat. If that's not the problem, check with your doctor.

Is it true that if you eat too much you get fat?

Yes it's true that if you eat too much you get fat.

What is meant when you say too much is bad and too little is bad?

The "Goldilocks Principle" applies to everything. For anything you can name, there is "too much!", or "too little", or "Just right!" Water; too much water, and you will drown; too little water and you die of thirst. Food; too much and you get fat, too little and you'll starve. There's a "Just right!" somewhere in between. Oxygen; too much oxygen, and you'll have seizures and you'll be brain-damaged. That's why scuba divers never dive with pure oxygen; below about 40 feet depth, the oxygen becomes toxic. Too little oxygen, and your brain will starve.

Too much fat leads to this?

too much fat can lead to heart disease, type two diabetes and cancer