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Genetics, the amount of exercise you get, the amount of animal fat in your diet. To much cholesterol leads to Heart disease, athersclerosis. To little = increased odds of hemorrhagic stroke, difficulty conceiving, interference with the action of serotonin in the brain

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Q: What does the amount of cholesterol in your body depend on?
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How does exercise affect Cholesterol?

It does because it decreases the amount of bad cholesterol in your body

Why are trans-fats so bad?

Trans (partially hydrogenated) fats can increase unhealthy cholesterol and lower healthy cholesterol. This can increase your risk of heart disease. See also:More informationEating healthily

What affects the amount total cholesterol in your body?

Which of the following affects the amount of total cholesterol in your body? if you are an flvs student the answere is all of the above that's what i put.

What does Cheerios do to lower cholesterol?

Cheerios is high in soluble fiber which scientists believe acts as a sponge to soak up bad cholesterol in the body. This lowers the overall amount of cholesterol in the body.

Does eating cholesterol make cholesdtrol?

Dietary cholesterol can be absorbed by the body and utilized. The body's cholesterol production though is much higher than the general intake. If the absorbed amount of cholesterol increases, then the body's production decreases. Another "defense" which the body can use to avoid too much cholesterol in the system is to simply decrease the absorption of cholesterol.

Is cholesterol manufactured in the body?

Cholesterol is manufactured in the human liver. The production of cholesterol depends on the dietary intake. If the intake of cholesterol trough diet is increased then the body's own production will be decreased. This ensures that the necessary amount of cholesterol isavailable for the human cells and that the amount isn't elevated.

What is the maximum and minimum amount of mg of cholesterol that should be in your daily diet?

The maximum amount of cholesterol should usually be nowhere over 300mg. However, there is no minimum. If you don't get sufficient cholesterol in your diet, your body will just make it.

Are foods with high cholesterol and high amount of saturated fat considered junk food?

Yes, the foods with high cholesterol and high amount of saturated fat considered as junk food because the cholesterol inside egg cannot help the body. Saturated fat also endanger our body as in accumulating unnecessary fat into our body.

How is 125 ldl?

125 LDL is basically means you have an elevated amount of cholesterol in your body.

Do you need LDL cholesterol to survive?

Cholesterol is made naturally in your body. Your body will always have LDL cholesterol.

The primary form of dietary cholesterol is?

The primary source of cholesterol is triglycerides. The primary form of cholesterol is found in animal fats, prepackaged foods, and processed foods. The body does need a healthy amount of cholesterol to function in making vitamin D and other hormones.

Where in the body is cholesterol made?

Cholesterol is found outside the body.