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a pregnant woman need lots of calcium and iron in her diet

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Yes. The average adult should consume around 2,000 calories a day. A pregnant woman should consume around 2,500 calories per day.

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Q: What does a pregnant woman need in her diet?
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There is no special diet for 9 weeks pregnant woman. She can take the diet she likes. She need to take 5 mg folic acid daily in first three months.

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a diet can not effect the baby sex. once your pregnant the baby sex is already there

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A pregnant woman's diet should be high in nutrients and folic acids. Before starting a diet regimen, a pregnant woman should first consult her obstetrician.

What does a pregnant women need in her diet?


Having diabetic will your baby have it if you are pregnant?

NO although the baby can suffer from hypoglycemai (low blood sugar ) immediately after birth and will need to be monitored a pregnant woman can not take oral agents and will either need to be diet controlled or on insulin.

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What does a pregnant woman need more than a woman who's not pregnant?

Love and support from husband and family.

Why do pregnant women need a diet?

So they can have a healthy kid

Can you continue to diet when pregnant?

Yes. You can continue to diet. But you need to be under supervision of your physician and/or dietitian.

Is a high fibre diet recommended for a pregnant woman?

A high fiber diet would consist of lots of natural grains and fresh vegetables. Since it is focused on many natural foods, it should be quite healthy for a pregnant woman, but a doctor should always be consulted.

A pregnant and overweight woman should?

Not try to diet while pregnant, that could starve the baby, leading to problems in life (possibly reduced IQ).

What is the best diet plan for a pregnant vegetarian?

If you are looking for a good diet plan for a woman who is pregnant and also vegetarian, you should consult with a licensed dietitian and/or and obstetrician as they would be knowledgeable in the safest way to watch your diet, without compromising the health of the unborn child.