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Q: What does a honey berry look like and can you eat them?
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he loves to eat honey!

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It poops out honey and we eat it.........BEES CANT DO ALL THE WORK!!!!!

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They eat o-berry's just like the rest of them

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simple honey

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What is a crested honey-creeper?

A crested honeycreeper is a bird blue or red they like to eat honey

What happens if you eat honey then cucumbers?

it tastes like watermelon

What are two things that Ants like to eat?

Sugar and Honey

What does pooh bear like to do?

Go on adventures and eat honey

When do you eat honey?

You can eat honey whenever you please. There is no specific time you must eat honey.

What does a honeybee eat?

honey bees eat honey

Why if you eat a strawberry your more slickly to have a girl?

because there sweet just like straw berry's