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Reduce the amount of rice, noodles and bread you consume.

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Q: What do you changed in your diet to make it a low carbohydrate diet if you are a teenager?
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Why did the Mayas make land for corn?

Corn was their basic staple diet to provide protein and carbohydrate, on which their survival and prosperity depended.

What are cabohydrates needed for in a diet?

Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen are what make a carbohydrate. But, as any silly sports drink commercial will tell you, what it "contains" depends on you.

What is the Atkins' diet plan and does it work?

The Atkins Diet Plan is based off of a low carbohydrate intake. Yes, it does work for a short period of time. Most diets work while you remain on them and that is it. Exercising and continuing to watch what you eat will make a diet longer-lived.

best low carbohydrate diet available?

The best low carbohydrate diet you can go on is to eat more fruits and vegetables. Although the food may sound boring, you can eat chicken, fish, etc. If you do want to eat something with a little higher on carbohydrate, then make sure you balance out your meal. If you were to eat fast food, balance out with vegetables and drink a lot of water. The important key is balancing your meals and eat more fruits and vegetables.

What are the benefits of a specific carbohydrate diet?

Specific carbohydrates are going to make you feel fuller faster, and should be concentrated on. Bananas and legumes are some good specific carbohydrates.

What would you like to be a protein carbohydrates or lipids and why?

I like to be protein because protein is good for you and make muscle carbohydrate and the other hand make fat in your body if you want to do diet cut the carb specially after 5pm

How do you make a teenager pregnant on The Sims THREE?

you cant get pregnet when your a teenager

Do teenagers get skinny when they grow?

Not necessarily. If you're a fat pre-teen, you're probably also going to be a fat teenager unless you make changes in your diet and exercise habits.

What do a teenager to make girlfriend?

Be yourself.

The Best Lose Weight Diet?

The Atkins diet plan is a popular low carbohydrate diet. Progressing in stages, it helps you make a lifestyle change instead of following a diet that you may not stick to. The first stage of the Atkins diet limits your intake to 20 grams of carbohydrates of just vegetables, protein and healthy fats. Stage two introduces berries, yogurt and nuts as well with up to 45 grams of carbohydrates daily. The third stage adds fruits and beans for a maximum of 70 grams of carbohydrates each day. Stage four adds no additional carbohydrate intake, but also includes grains and breads.

Is Justin Bieber really a teenager?

Yes.justin bieber is 17 witch would make him a teenager

Make a sentence with the word carbohydrate?

Starch is a carbohydrate, providing short and middle-term energy but few proteins.