

Best Answer
  • Eating Healthy Foods
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Exercising daily
  • Drink enough water
  • Don't eat too much junk food
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8y ago

Eat a healthy diet and exercise.

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Q: What do we need to do to become physically fit?
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How do you define physically fit?

physical fit means you look healthy ur skni is healthy and clean ur movement

How can one become physically fit?

By exercising and not eating a bunch of fatty foods.

What season of weather is best to keep fit and go to the gym?

All of them because you constantly need to be physically fit

Why does dogs need to exercise?

To get good strength on bone and to be mentally and physically fit.

Why do basketball players need to be physically fit?

They can't play very well if they aren't.

Why is physical education important in becoming a pilot?

it is important not only u to become a pilot but as a human being..we need to be physically fit so that we will be able to do our task an individual we should know the principles in physical education,understanding the importance of physical education so that its realy interesting to idulge in physical activities..coz we know the benefits from it.a physically fit person means a man with vigor and in this way you be a very active and dynamic pilot in your field of specialization because you are physically fit,mentally fit and socially fit individual.

What is an organization that enables and encourages people with disabilities to become physically fit?

There is The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability.

Do you have to have experience to be a dog walker?

No. You just need to be physically fit enough to hold onto the leash, and you need to be used to dogs.

Where can I take classes on how to become a state trooper?

To become a state trooper, most states require that you have a criminal justice degree from a college. You will need to pass the entrance exam and be physically fit. Read more at

Can you join the service if you have been to rehabilitation for drugs?

Of course you can. For joining service you need to be physically and mentally fit.

How many people arent physically fit?

81% of all high schoolers are not physically fit.~1stDestroyer

Physically fit people will have fit children?

No, physically fit parents will not always sire physically fit children. This depends somewhat on your definition of "fitness" however fitness is generally taken to mean the level of endurance for physical tasks and is improved by training. If the parents do lots of exercise they will become more physically fit, but their children may or may not exercise and so may or may not be physically fit. Children brought up in a houshold where people generally exercise will be more likely to take part in exercise and therefore be physically fit. This is a case of nature verses nurture. The best way to think of it is that an adopted child brought up in an exercising houshold is likely to be fit however the child of fit parents brought up in a couch potatoe houshold is likely to be unfit. The fitness is causes by exercise not by genetics.