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A house cow is kept to give milk for the household, as opposed to commercial production for sale. A house cow would ideally eat grass in a field, supplemented with hay in winter and maybe a high protein and energy supplement when she first calves and produces lots of milk.

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Q: What do house cow eat?
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There's no such thing as an "organic cow." A cow is a cow, regardless. She will eat what "normal" cows eat, which is defined in the related question posted below.

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No, a cow will not eat meat, although there will be some curious cow that would probably try it, cows do not and will not eat meat.

Does a cow eat a cow paddy?

No, never. Cow paddies are cow feces.

How eat cow pat?

You don't, it's disgusting if you eat a cow pat!

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Only if the cow is dead. Vultures don't usually swoop down upon an alive cow and eat it.

Can a cow eat an elephant?

No, a cow eats grass.

What would you eat if you had cow in colony times?

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What will eat a cow?

Humans, and any other carnivore (or omnivore) that is higher up on the food chain than a cow is will eat a cow, either by killing and eating it, or scavenging a cow's carcass.

What happens when you eat a sacred cow?

If you eat a sacred cow, you will be subjected to the disapproval of those who considered the cow to be sacred.