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Often ground up parts (bones, feet) of other animals, or just vitamin fortified grass and hay.

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Q: What do farmers put into their animal feed to get important vitamins or minerals?
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Identify four vitamins or minerals found in protein of animal origin?

animals dont have protein

What is the difference between animal saturated fat and coconut saturated fat?

Coconut oil is a good saturated fat because is comes from coconuts which are full of vitamins and minerals. Animal saturated fats are found in butters, milks, and cheeses, and while they are good for you, it is important to eat in moderation.

What are the difference between normal and therapeutic diets?

A healthy normal diet includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in small quantities. All these ingredients are important for the maintenance of health. The normal diet may be plant or animal based. Therapeutic diet, on the other hand, is implemented in emergency situation when a person has special nutrition requirements. The amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat, minerals and vitamins may vary depending upon the need.

How often do you have to feed a guinea pig 8 months old?

2 meals a day to feed that animal it is a small portion of vitamins and minerals

What are the 2 most important food groups?

In animals the macronutrients are those foods which provide energy (carbohydrates, proteins, fats).In plants there are 3 classes of macronutrients which include structural, primary and secondary minerals. These are macronutrients because they are needed in large numbers (macro = large) to support the life processes of the animal or plant.

What has the author David M Bebiak written?

David M. Bebiak has written: 'Canine & feline vitamins and minerals' -- subject(s): Food, Cats, Dogs, Nutrition disorders, Vitamins in animal nutrition, Minerals in animal nutrition, Pets, Feeding and feeds

Is the multivitamin Vivioptal suitable for vegetarians?

NoThe range contains ingredients of animal origin, therefore it is not vegetarian or kosher. The ingredients of animal origin are:* Magnesium stearate* Stearic acid* GelatinThe sources of gelatin for Centrum are from cattle, pigs and chickens.

What is the purpose of the Animal Pack training supplement?

An Animal Pack training supplement is a supplement for bodybuilders. Animal Pack training supplements contain a variety of products such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes. One can order Animal Pack training supplements from the Amazon website.

Are a horses vitamins and minerals need to be added to its food?

Most people will feed their growing foals a suppliment for the first year. After that, depending on the individual animal, and his work load they may still need extra vitamins and minerals. Most horses are on a hay/grain diet and most grain products have the vitamins and minerals already in them. So what they don't get from the hay they get from the grain and are pretty well balanced with this feeding program. Horses that have a heavy work load or are stressed (show horses) will benefit from some extra nutrition.

What kind of vitamins that can you get in animal kingdom?

Vitamins found in the animal kingdom include vitamin B12, which is predominantly found in animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Additionally, animal-based sources like liver and fish provide vitamins A, D, and K2. These vitamins are essential for various bodily functions, including vision, bone health, and blood clotting.

Why is it important for the animal to eat the plant?

Animals need to eat plants for essential nutrients like carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Plants provide the base of the food chain, so animals rely on them for their energy and sustenance. Additionally, some animals have specialized digestive systems that can break down plant material efficiently.

What types of products does 4Life offer?

4Life is a company that sells vitamins, minerals, supplements, immune support products, skincare products, weight loss products, healthy foods, and animal food.