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It's is an oil that repels flies and other insects.

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Q: What do cattle ranchers put on a pole that cows rub on to keep flies off?
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What made it possible for ranchers to keep large herds of cattle on their property?

Fences duuuhhh

Why was mix-breeding cattle on the open range bad?

Because many of the ranchers wanted to keep their herds purebred. It's not that crossbreeding is bad in itself, it's just that ranchers having a purebred herd didn't want any "surprises" come spring, or have any trouble with calving cows.

What happens if you eat food that walks and talks like cows?

Well, first of all, cows don't talk.When you eat cattle, you keep ranchers in business. That's good for the economy. It's entirely possible that cattle ranching isn't ecologically sound, but that can be addressed at the expense of beef prices.Other than that, not much happens besides you not being hungry for awhile.

How did Texas ranchers get their cattle to the railroads to be shiped east?

They herded them using horses and the best herding practices they could use to move cattle with and keep them together.

What does get along little doggies mean?

Actually a "dogie" refers to a motherless calf. In bovine terms females are called heifers until they give birth then they are cows. Male cattle are bulls unless they have been castrated then the are called steers. Steers are where most of the beef we consume comes from. Ranchers keep a number of cows depending on how much grazing land they have. A bull or two is left with the cows to ensure as many cows as possible have calves. Ideally ranchers want heifers, and young bull calves are turned into steers and then are sent to market in a year.

What should you spray cows with to keep flies off?

An insect repellent spray that is safe for use on livestock can be applied to cows to keep flies off. These sprays often contain ingredients such as permethrin, pyrethroids, or citronella. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and choose a product that is specifically labeled for use on cows.

Why ranchers get angry about barbed wire?

This is an "OLD West" Question. Ranchers in the old west used the open range to feed their cattle. They would graze on open land year round. In the summer they would graze in the high country where it was cooler and in the winter they came down to the low country to graze. When farmers arrived in the territories they fenced off their land with Barbed Wire to keep the cattle out. This cut up the open land that the ranchers had always used. Farmers also brought Sheep. Sheep will eat grass down to the roots. Where cattle will not. This also killed off much of the grass land that the cattle needed. Farmers used Barbed wire to keep the cattle out. Cattle, being stupid, would often get caught in the wire, injuring themselves and often dieing from their wounds. Ranchers hated the new farmers and this led to Wars between ranchers and farmers in the Old West.

Where are cattle mostly found in North America?

Holstein-Friesian are the most popular breed of cattle found. Many farms keep these milk cows.

How did invention of barbed wire change the life of cattle ranchers?

They could no longer have their cattle on the open range. They had to confine their animals to their properties and find ways to keep them there and graze them there year after year without loosing the land to desertification.

What is mean raise cattle?

To keep animals, to look after animals, with some purpose like breeding them for market.

What groups of people agree that deforestation?

mostly in a place like the amazon the loggers,cattle ranchers, and settlers have to agree with deforestation. they actuly have to deforest in order to keep their jobs and houses

What do people do on ranches?

On ranches, people raise many types of farm animals. Most ranchers will keep animals that need large open spaces such as sheep, cows, or horses. Ranchers also may make things off the land that are harder to make in urban settings.