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Every individual requires every vitamin, every day in order to maintain good health. These vitamins were once acquired through an all-natural, well balanced diet that was high in fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, that does not happen any more and we find ourselves searching for alternative sources. I do not advise you to buy vitamins from a regular grocery store as those vitamins are synthetic and cannot be properly absorbed by the body. Those vitamins can even be dangerous in large amounts through overdoses of vitamins like iron.

You should take a food-based multivitamin which you can buy from a health-food or herbal store. These vitamins can be easily absorbed through the body, and will make you feel substantially better. Any vitamin or mineral that you do not need will be easily flushed out by the body through the urinary tract.

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13y ago

This depends on the age of a vitamin taker. Young children should take vitamins designed specifically for them. Older people should consider taking Centrum Silver. Everyone else should take a multivitamin, along with any vitamin or mineral that they usually do not get enough of per day, such as iron.

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15y ago

this is a category of substancees which in heir chmeical structure at least have little in common

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13y ago

vitamins a c & e

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Q: What daily vitamins does your body need?
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Why must you take vitamins with a meal?

You should usually take vitamins with your food because the average person does not receive the reccomended amount of daily subdaments you need for a healthy body. You should usually take vitamins with your food because the average person does not receive the reccomended amount of daily subdaments you need for a healthy body.

Why do you need to have vitamins in your diet?

You need vitamins in your body because vitamins is kind of like the food your your body.

What are vitamins that cannot be stored in the body called?

Vitamins that cannot be stored in the body are called water-soluble vitamins. These vitamins include vitamin C and the B vitamins (like B12 and folic acid) and need to be taken daily through diet as excess amounts are eliminated through urine.

How does your body get vitamins?

I think the body port they need vitamins to the body

What are vitamins that cannot be stored in fat tissues?

Water soluble vitamins cannot be stored by the body, because the water in our body is filtered and changed continually. These vitamins are All of the B vitamins and vitamin C. Therefore it is important to maintain these vitamin levels through proper nutrition daily.

What vitamins need to be replenished daily?

Vitamin C !! Why? That's because it's water soluble and we tend to excrete most of it out in a normal day of urination and perspiration.

Why we need vitamins?

We need vitamins to keep our body strong and healthy.

Why do you need vegetables every day?

It will improve your health and make you feel stronger.vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs on a daily basis - they are not stored in the body.

Vitamins that do not need to be ingested daily.?

Fat soluble

What soluble vitamins must be supplied on a daily basis since they are not stored in the body?

Water soluble vitamins

What do you need vitamins for?

Vitamins are essential nutrients that the body needs in small amounts to function properly. They play key roles in various bodily functions such as metabolism, immune system support, and overall health maintenance. Getting an adequate amount of vitamins through a balanced diet is important for overall well-being.

Which of the two categories of vitamins should be supplied every day in the foods that you eat?

Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C and B vitamins, need to be supplied daily in the foods you eat because they are not stored by the body and are excreted in urine. They need to be replenished regularly to maintain optimal health.