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working out, eating healthy ( the proper amount), being social. Basically living a balanced life.

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Q: What composes a healthy lifestyle?
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What is healthy lifestyle in Hebrew?

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Why do 6-12 year olds need a healthy lifestyle?

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What are the legislation that support a healthy lifestyle for children?

the UNCRC 1989 has some articles linking to a healthy lifestyle.

Definition of healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is a lifelong commitment to follow a healthy eating plan, manage your weight and do regular physical activities.

Why mantain a healthy lifestyle?

It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This will ensure that the body functions properly and you will not have frequent health problems.

How Healthy lifestyle?

Healthy lifestyle: 5 keys to a longer life Go to the link

Why do you have to have your 5 a day?

To have a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Life?

Cooking and lifestyle

How can you live a healthy lifestyle?

Living a healthy lifestyle consists of a healthy diet and exercise routine. Also, not smoking and using drugs as well as not drinking large amounts of alcohol.

What words describe fitness?

The word 'healthy' is an adjective used to describe the noun 'lifestyle'.Examples of adjective that can describe the noun phrase 'healthy lifestyle' are:dailyeasymoreordinarypossibletruepracticalreasonable

How can you say that a person has a healthy lifestyle?

i can say that a person has a healthy lifestyle if he/she eats food that has a lot of nutritional value and decrease the consumption of eating junkfoods.doing exercise daily and having a good personal hygiene are the essentials is wealth.having a healthy lifestyle is living a healthy life..i hope i help=)