A potato well obviously a vegetable because you know it just falls in with he rest of he food so next time you remember next time you need to know cone here or just remember
All food that falls into the category of bread, potatoes, grains, cereal, and pasta.
Apple butter is a condiment and would go into the "Oils and Discretionary Calories" portion of the pyramid.
sugar and sweets
Sweet corns falls under the category of carbohydrates, as does pasts, rice, potatoes, wheat, barley, oats and more.
The most balanced diet is one that comes from the food pyramid. The food pyramid shows you how many servings need to come from each food category to fuel your body. Please see www.foodpyramid.com, or see your local nutritionist.
It doesn't belong in the food pyramid.
Vegemite should be placed above the food pyramid as it is the food of the gods
You can find a picture of a food pyramid at most of your health food sites. There is an old and new diagram out now. To find where Egyptian foods are in the pyramid check out a health food site.
Rice goes into the grain pyramid because rice is a grain and it can be farmed.
With fruits .