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Q: What biomolecule helps build muscle?
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Does protein build and repair muscles?

Helps your muscles to build an recover

Does ginseng build muscle?

Ginseng doesn't build muscle but there is evidence that it helps endurance. Ginseng can also help with loosing fat in the body.

Why do bodybuilders take steroids?

It helps them build muscle extremely fast.

Does argine help build muscle?

Arginine is used by body builders as an amino acid supplement. However, there is nothing to back up the idea that it helps to build muscle. .

Does Guitar Hero build muscle?

After a while it helps your finger and hand muscles. It can also build forearm muscle after extensive playing on higher levels and harder songs.

How do you build leg muscle?

you can build your leg muscles multiple ways but the best way is doing squats. You can also run and that builds leg muscle and helps your cardio.

Is water needed to build muscle?

No you do not. Water is used to refill the water supply in your body when you sweat while exercising. To build muscle, you eat foods with potassium like bananas or potatoes. That doesn't build you muscle, but it helps make you less tired when you exercise.

Does creatine make you bruise easily?

Creatine is a liquid that helps to build muscle so no

What biomolecule helps transport molecules across the membrane?


Does egg white make muscle?

The answer is a Yes and a No. Yes - if you work out and do exercises that can help you build muscle No - if you do not work out Eggs are rich in protein and supplying protein to your body after a workout helps you build muscles.

Does swimming increase muscle mass?

Yep it does! It helps build arm muscles! and core muscles

Does eating tuna help to gain muscle?

Eating tuna helps to gain muscle because tuna is protein and protein builds muscle. However, to build muscle you need to exercise as well.