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You can get antioxidants in your diet by eating foods that contain vitamins A, C, and E. Carrots contain vitamin A. Citrus and other fruits contain vitamin C. Tomatoes have lycopene. Some people also use herbal teas with antioxidants. You can also get vitamin and antioxidant supplements in pill or gummy form.

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Q: What are ways to obtain antioxidants in your diet?
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What 2 things can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems?

Cardiovascular risks could be reduced in a few ways. These ways are known as getting and staying active, as well as eating a heart-healthy diet. This diet would include soluble fiber and antioxidants.

How do carnivores get their antioxidants to stay healthy?

Carnivores obtain antioxidants from the meat they consume, as some animal tissues, such as liver and kidney, are high in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. Additionally, some carnivores may also derive antioxidants from the stomach contents of their prey, which could contain plant material with antioxidants.

Are anthocyanins a natural additive in food?

Anthocyanins are natural antioxidants found in certain fruits. It is better to get these antioxidants in the diet than in additives in foods.

Why do you need fruit and vegtables?

In order to obtain essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals.

What has the author F Driss written?

F. Driss has written: 'Supplementation of diet with antioxidants for the elderly'

Why do you need for anti oxidants?

Antioxidants are important in a healthy diet and lifestyle. Antioxidants can be found in certain foods, or you can take supplements. Most people choose to take supplements in addition to eating healthy to make sure they get the proper amount. There are several different types of supplements you can take to help you get the right amount without causing any damage. When you get the right amount of antioxidants in your diet it can benefit you in many ways. The first benefit is that it will help keep your cells healthy. When your cells are healthy you can fight off diseases better. If you do get sick, this will help you recover from your illness quicker. It is easier to stay healthy when your cells can fight damage and are healthy too. Antioxidants also help when you get injured. When you suffer from an injury, antioxidants will help you heal faster. Your injury can be anything from a paper cut to a broken bone. An injury is also likely to be less severe in a person who takes antioxidants than a person who doesn't. You may also notice that you are more tired when you have a lack of antioxidants. The right amount of antioxidants makes you healthier, and gives you more energy. Once you start getting the right amount of antioxidants and vitamins in your body you will be able to notice the difference.

What are antioxidants and where can you find them?

Antioxidants can be found in many plants that we eat.Fruits and vegetables would be the best source for getting antioxidants into your system but only when they are fresh picked right from the farm. Most store-bought fruits and veggies have lost most of their vitamin/mineral content due to decay caused by long lapses in delivery time.Supplements can also provide antioxidants which are not gained from the regular diet.

How are free radicals dealt with by the body?

Free radicals are dealt with by the body through antioxidants, which neutralize them by donating an electron. Antioxidants can be obtained from our diet (e.g. vitamin C, vitamin E) or produced by our body's own enzymes. Maintaining a balance between free radicals and antioxidants is important for overall health.

What are the benefits of adding an antioxidant supplement to your diet?

Antioxidants destroy harmful agents called free radicals, which cause the effects of aging.

Where can I obtain information on starting a heart healthy diet?

The best place to obtain information on starting the healthiest diet plan for yourself is to speak with your doctor. Your doctor is the one who will be able to tell you what the healthiest diet plan is for yourself.

Is a raw food diet healthy for you?

Raw food diets is an excellent way to increase vital nutrients in one's diet. Cooking foods actually removes a lot of important vitamins and antioxidants.