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Unsaturated fats are your "good" fats. They are heart-healthy, and they can actually help you keep your cholesterol levels under control.

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Its food that do not have food salt in it

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Q: What are unsaturated foods?
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What are the uses of unsaturated fat?

Unsaturated fats are not needed in the body. They are found in meat and processed foods; our bodies cannot break them down.

Do unsaturated fats mainly come from plant foods?

i dont know. do they?

What foods contain mono unsaturated fats?

Salmon, almonds and Olive Oil are some examples of foods that containunsaturated fats

How saturate and unsaturated fats are different?

Saturated fats are commonly found in animal products and processed foods and increase â??badâ?? cholesterol. Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are found in foods such as nuts, olives and fruits and raise levels of "good" cholesterol.

What foods supply saturated and unsaturated fat?

Most foods which contain any fat supply both. The foods most rich in saturated fats are from animal source - butter, pork, liver Unsaturated fats are found in most oily plant origin foods like nuts, seeds, olives, however salmon, eggs (and other animal source lean produce) also contain unsaturated fats.

What foods are unsaturated fat?

Most all fatty foods will contain some unsaturated fats. Olive oil is particularly high in the mono-unsaturated fats. Most all vegetarian sources of fat are high in mono-unsaturated fats,and poly-unsaturated fats. Saturated fat in plants sources tends to be present in low amounts and/or a type that does not promote atherosclerosis. And exception maybe palm oil. List of various examples includes; olives (and oil), flax seed (meal and oil), canola oil, avocados, and nuts.

What types of food can diabetic males eat?

Foods that help control blood sugar levels are healthy carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables, high-fiber foods, foods with omega-3 fatty acids, and foods with unsaturated fats.

What are two foods that saturated fats and two that have unsaturated fat?

Unsaturated fats can be found in any kind of cooking oil, such as canola oil or olive oil. Almost all meats have them, especially red meats like beef. They are also found in cheese, milk, and most other dairy products.

What are foods that lower cholesterol effectively?

Great foods to lower cholesterol include foods that contain high amounts of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fats, antioxidants, and added plant sterols or stanols.

Is milk a Unsaturated Fat?

No, milk is not an unsaturated fat. Milk contains a mixture of fats, including saturated fats and small amounts of unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are typically found in foods like nuts, seeds, oils, and fatty fish.

What foods have unsaturated fats in?

The are two different types of Unsaturated fat, Monounsaturates and Polyunsaturates. If the question is which foods contain little or no saturated fat, you'll probably find it difficult to find many foods that are included in the answer. Generally, processed meals are higher in saturates, as well as most dairy products (especially cheese). You should be fine eating anything that has been made from fresh ingredients, though. Meat, vegetables, nuts and egg are enough to make countless healthy meals.

What is the scientific name for good fat?

The scientific name for "good fat" is unsaturated fat. This type of fat is considered healthier for the body compared to saturated fats, as it can help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fats are found in foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.