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carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus cycles.

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Q: What are the four nutrient cycles?
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Would nutrient cycles be complete without decomposes?

No,because decomposers are an important part of nutrient cycle.Through them, nutrients in the ecosystem can be used again and again in this way, nutrient cycles go on and on.

What are all the nutrient cycles found in the savanna biome?

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What are the three most important nutrient cycles?

Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen

Purpose of biogeochemical cycles?

The flow of a nutrient from the environment to living organisms and back to the environment. Main reservoir for the nutrient is in the environment.

When an ecosystem is limited by a single nutrient that either is scarce or cycles very slowly this substance is called a?

It is called a limiting nutrient

When an ecosystem is limited by a single nutrient that either is a scarce or cycles very slowly this substance is called a?

It is called a limiting nutrient

Would the nutrients cycle be complete without decomposed?

No,because decomposers are an important part of nutrient cycle.Through them, nutrients in the ecosystem can be used again and again in this way, nutrient cycles go on and on.

How might it affect nutrient cycles in the soil?

Land development can disrupt nutrient cycles in soil by removing vegetation that replenishes nutrients, disrupting soil organisms that aid in nutrient recycling, and altering the water flow that transports nutrients through the soil. This can lead to nutrient depletion in the soil and affect plant growth and ecosystem health.

What is another name for nutrient cycles in ecosystems?

The dead organic matter are an example of nutrient cycle and can sometimes be buried under sediment, rendering the carbon unavailable to living organisms.

What nutrient cycles through organism rivers rain and the atmosphere?

those that can exist as gasses

What are 3 characteristics of a sustainable ecosystem?

Nutrient Cycles, Predators and Prey, and Living Soil

Do other planets have nutrient cycles?

The concept of nutrient cycles as observed on Earth may not directly apply to other planets, as they depend on specific atmospheres, climates, and ecosystems. However, other planets and celestial bodies likely have processes involving the cycling of chemical elements, such as through volcanic activity, erosion, and atmospheric interactions. Further exploration and study are needed to understand the nutrient cycles of other planets.