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Q: What are the company producing Ginseng product?
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The main company who produces this kind of product is Roland. This is a USB keyboard controller for producing good quality of sounds. It can be bought in radio shack.

What is the difference between Korean ginseng and panax ginseng and what are the efficacies of both types of ginseng?

The ginseng grown in Korea is panax ginseng.

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They are typically the person who determines the product quality of whatever the manufacturer is producing. Pay varies from company to company but you can expect to easily make at least $45k a year.

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I heard that they are. Tony was my source.

How do you say ginseng in Japanese?

朝鮮人参 (chousen ninjin) is used in most general cases for "ginseng", though it is officially "Asian Ginseng". For example, it is used generally in 朝鮮人参製品 (chousen ninjin seihin, Ginseng product) and 朝鮮人参茶 (chousen ninjin cha, Ginseng Tea). Also, 高麗人参 (kourai ninjin) means "Korean Ginseng". Note: 人参 (ninjin) also means carrot, which is why Ginseng will usually have a type associated with it.

What is gross domestic product of Antarctica?

Antarctica is not a product-producing continent.

What is visibility in business?

Visibility in business is a key to the success of a company. Visibility is obtained by advertising and producing a valuable product that appeals to a large part of the buying public.

What do you call ginseng in Hindi?

Ginseng is called "जिनसेंग" in Hindi.

What do you mean by cost accounting?

its the practice of calculating the resources incured in producing the final product