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Every couple of months I eat around 2-3 kg of charcoal followed by about 2 liters of mineral spirits. It cleans the liver and the digestive system at once. Go on a fruit only diet for 3 weeks after the initial detox and you will have the metabolism of a racing sheep and your body will be so cleaned out of toxins that you will practically be transparent.

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Q: What are the best foods to eat to help increase metabolism and clean your body of toxins?
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What is master you metabolism in a diet mean?

Mastering your metabolism is not a diet. Yes it will help you lose weight, but mastering it is based off what you eat and how you eat. The toxins in certain things cause your metabolism to go "out of wack." Through a balanced diet of the proper foods you can essentially retrain your metabolism

What foods help increase ones metabolism?

HGG injections are a great way to increase your metabolism when you are looking to lose weight rapidly. These extreme measures aren't for everyone, however for those serious about weight loss, they work quite well.

Do weight loss foods exist and work?

Well, there are many foods that can help increase metabolism, and lose weight as a result. However, there is also the option of exercising daily or regularly.

What are some foods a person can eat to increase weight loss?

Coffee that burns fat! Never before has losing excess weight been so tasty. Accelerates calorie burning Reduces fat storage Increases satiety after a meal Helps to shape the body more information :

Why should children be taught to eat a variety of foods every day?

To increase the chance of getting enough nutrients and decrease the chance of consuming to much toxins.

What is the best way to increase your metabolism?

The best way to increase your metabolism 1.Drinking green tea may improve your metabolism. 2.Increasing your protein intake can boost your metabolism. 3.Drinking coffee can increase your metabolism significantly. 4.Drinking an adequate amount of water can boost your metabolism. 5.Mixing up your exercise routine and incorporating a few high-intensity workouts can help you burn fat and increase your metabolism. 6.Eating spicy foods may help to improve your metabolism.

To prevent obesity does a person need a high metabolism or a low metabolism?

The faster your metabolism, the more you can eat without gaining weight. So, in order to prevent obesity, you need to keep your metabolism going as fast as possible. You can increase your metabolism by exercising, eating regularly and by avoiding starvation & fad diets. You need to eat healthy, natural foods as well as possible, as many processed foods may contain ingredients that can disturb the balance in your endocrine system.

What are toxins found in sea foods?

Barnacles and such creatures as those.

Where can one find a list of foods that boost metabolism?

There are plenty of foods that boost metabolism. One can find a list of such foods from websites such as Healthy Living as well in mot cooking magazines and books.

How are poisonous foods prepared to remove toxins?

they are put in a special thing

Do citric foods or spicy foods burn fat?

I have heard that spicy foods speed up the metabolism temporarily. I assume its the same fo citric foods like lemons as well because hot lemon helps with speeding up metabolism.

What foods escalates metabolism?

P-r-o-t-e-i-n filled foods.