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1. Regular or Full Diet

2. Light or Convalescent Diet

3. Liquid Diet

4. Soft Diet

5. Diabetic Diet

6. Low Salt Diet

7. Low Fat Diet

8. High Calorie Diet

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11y ago
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12y ago

The hospital diet may be classified as

1. Liquid Diet

  • Clear liquid
  • Full liquid

2. Soft Diet

3. Light Diet

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12y ago

A few examples of routine hospital diets are:

  • Regular
  • Low sodium
  • Liquid
  • Soft foods
  • Diabetic
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7y ago

Hospital food isn't the best thing for you. It's better to get food you see at the store.

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Q: What are the various routine hospital diets?
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What is routine hospital diet?

There are different types of routine hospital diets depending on why a person is hospitalized. There are low sodium diets, regular diets, soft diets and liquid diets.

Can you provide me with a website that has information on crash diets?

crash diets are not healthy and are not recommended. always check with your primary care physician before starting any diet routine. has some diets, but i do not recommend them.

Why you need sugar salt and fat in your diets?

for routine bodily functions Ie just to survive.

Best low fat diets that dont require running?

There are not that many low fat diets that require runnning. Most diets do, however, require some sort of obligation to an exercise routine. It doesn't usually matter what kind.

were can I get a good diabetic menu?

I am not sure what the plans are like at your hospital, so your best bet would be to ask the staff and doctors in the hospital where to get similar diets.

Are there any articles that compare health diets?

There are no specific articles that compare health diets, however there are many articles online which discuss benefits, pros and cons between various fad diets and such.

What has the author Catherine Barrow written?

Catherine Barrow has written: 'A comparison between elderly patients' diets within a National Health Service hospital and a private hospital'

What do you mean by dieting?

There are various diets including fad diets such as the Atkins diet or the South Beach diet. Then there are medically prescribed or therapeutic diets which are created to meet specific needs in combating certain diseases.

What do you mean by therapeutic diet?

There are various diets including fad diets such as the Atkins diet or the South Beach diet. Then there are medically prescribed or therapeutic diets which are created to meet specific needs in combating certain diseases.

Where can someone receive counseling on diets designed specifically for men?

There are various websites concerned with giving advice regarding diets specifically for men. Your own doctor can also give you advice and a referral regarding diets.

Can diabetics take b complex?

Yes. There is no contraindication for vitamin use in the various diabetic diets.

What are some diets that prevent migraines?

Most diets aren't for prevent migrains. Migraines are caused by a sinus infections. You can find this information located on web md and other various sites