Four influences that impact human wellness include diet. physical activity and fitness, mental health, and economic being. Diet regards maintaining appropriate caloric and nutrient intake to avoid hunger and malnourishment. Physical activity and fitness is needed to preserve muscle mass and cardiovascular health. Mental health regards the condition of both the healthy brain function and peace of the human mind. Economic well-being regards being out of poverty conditions.
four! shelter, as in clothes tent, sleeping bags. .. food, any food caned food and water,! tools, knife, hooks nets, weapons ... contact. phone, signals but other people have other choices,
what are the four main contributing factors that influence how much of each nutrient a person needs in their diet?
There are four main factors that influence food choices. These factors include income, availability, cooking methods and facilities as well as cultural background.
Your mother Your grandma your Aunt Your Sister
What are the four contributing factors that influence how much nutrient a person needs?
food, water, love, right envornment
water, heat, light, and food
atr, water,food,space
atr, water,food,space
1 Water 2 Food 3 Air 4 A Place to Live
air water food and light