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Most people choose it because they think it helps animals from being slaughtered. (it really doesn't, but that's beside the point.) Some choose it because it helps you lose weight. There are multiple reasons but I think those are the main ones.

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12y ago
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11y ago

There is no one reason why people go vegetarians, though these are probably the main reasons:

-They feel sorry for the animals and don't want to contribute to the deaths of animals
-For health reasons
-For environmental reasons

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15y ago

It is written in various Gospels (Gospel of Peace & Gospel of the Nazarenes) that Jesus Christ and early Christians primarily subsisted on a vegetarian based diet. There are passages within the unedited Biblical texts which support the notion of refraining from causing unnecessary harm to others-- including animals. Violence begets violence. The consumption of animals was prescribed as a concession when plant life was insufficient. In the modern day, as there is no lack of vegetarian based foods, vegetarianism is practiced by many spiritualists who wish to survive in such a way that minimizes violence.

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13y ago

The Bible doesn't forbid vegetarianism, but it doesn't require it either. God told Noah that it was okay to eat animals, but god forbids eating the blood of animals.(Genesis 9:3,4) In the Iraelite law, most animals were allowed, but god forbade the Israelites from eating animals such as pigs and certain seafoods(Leviticus 11:7), as there is more potential to get diseases from them. God removed those laws from the Christians, so we can eat any animal. (Acts 10:10-15) God still forbids the eating of blood though. (Acts 15:20,28)

I do not know very much about the views of other religions. I know Muslims won't eat pork, and Hindus won't eat beef.

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7y ago

Some religions are veggie because they believe a certain animal is sacred or like in the wiccan rede simplified it said do what you want but don't hurt anything. Some people think that killing animals for food interrupts that rule. In other religions there are sacred animals like the cow. And sometimes people just don't choose to eat meat as a sacrifice to god.

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13y ago

Vegetarians chose to not eat any types of meat or seafood because of the obvious reason that it is a sin to take lives from animals.

Animals have feelings just like household cats and dogs. These animals are slaughtered so terribly and treated so horibbly that anyone who saw this behavior would resort to being vegetarian.

"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian," says former beatles member, Paul McCartney

He became a strict vegetarian after seeing orphaned sheep at a farm.

Many other famous people are vegetarian like:

-Paul McCartney


-Albert Einstein

-George Bernard Shaw

-Thomas Alva Edison

-Benjamin Franklin

-Hayden Panettiere

-Mark Twain

-Leo Tolstoy

-Alice Walker

Animals are treated so badly that people are starting to really take a look at what's on their plates. Animals are injected with many drugs and hormones which enter your body when consuming a piece of meat. Also, in some religions, eating flesh of any animal or fish is a huge sin.

Here is a list of some religions that do not allow the eating of meat:



-Christianity( in the past)



-Chinese folk and Daoism

Hinduism is probably the religion that really expresses the ban on eating any sort of flesh because of karma. The karma rule is "if you sow, shall you reap." This means that if you do something, it will affect you in return.

So if you eat meat, then that very meat will give you Infectious Diseases and body harm.

This is why many Indians in India are vegetarian.

We were never born to eat meat because we are natural herbivores. Some facts that prove this are:

-we suck water like herbivores do instead of lapping it like cats and dogs

-our teeth are flat in the back so we can crush and grind nuts and fruits

unliked carnivores who only have sharp teeth to rip apart flesh

-our intestines are 10 times as long while carnivores are 3 times as long because the dead and decaying flesh can't stay in the body of a carnivore for too long.

-our saliva is alkaline like herbivores, while carnivores saliva is acidic.

Which animals are the largest on the earth?

Elephants, gorillas, horses, rhinos, hippos, giraffes, bulls... they are all vegetarian.

Animals are our friends...they shall not be eaten.

We do not have the instinct to rip an animal to we don't have the ability to eat the flesh that comes with it.

Live and let live.

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13y ago

There are 5 common reasons for becoming vegetarian:

· Environmental: Animal meat production produces a surprisingly large percentage of waste worldwide. Non-participation in the meat industry is one way to take action.

· Religious: Some religions do not suggest eating animal meat. This is common in some sects of Buddhism, and other religions around the world.

· Health: Meat products, in general, have high concentrations of saturated fats and LDL cholesterol. Over consumption of meat is one reason for the obesity problem in the US right now. Cutting meat out of the diet is one way to cut back on bad calories.

· Political: Animal meat production is an inefficient way to create calories - at least at the current rate of consumption. World hunger is an ongoing epidemic, and, in the end, cutting meat out of the diet cuts down on wasted calories.

· Animal Rights: Some people don't believe in the killing and eating of animals on a more visceral, emotional level. Some may be responding to the way animals are raised in harsh environments, or simply objecting to the killing of animals in general.

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11y ago

As far as I know the only religion (if you can call it that) that advises vegetarianism is Buddhism but that is from the philosophical standpoint of not killing living creatures. Given that a plant lives the borderline is hazy but in answer to your question I do not think there is any specific religious requirement to be a vegetarian.

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12y ago

Ethical reasons, Religion or even to loose weight! :)

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