Being fat can generally be harmful. An obese persson can be susceptible to heart attacks, Diabetes, cancer, fatal blocking of an artery, having fat accumulated in the liver, hernia and chronic renal failure(means your kidneys fail to work). These are some of the consequences of beinf fat or obese.
Neither is "healthy". There are more long-term health consequences associated with anorexia, though, and it is also a mental disease where as being "fat" or overweight does in deed carry health consequences, but can be easier to get to a healthy weight because it does not carry the same mental disorder aspect as anorexia does.
There are many health issues that can occur from a young child, or even a baby, being overweight or fat. These include asthma, diabetes, and heart problems.
Being fat does not always mean health problems, but if there is it is often high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Many people also have problems with diabetes or stroke.
Being 'fat' is not very good for your health. You can get numerous diseases, like diabetes, from being fat. You should try to be thin, if you care about your health. Simply overeating will fatten you, meat tends to be the most fattening food.
No- in fact- some people can have depression being fat- as well as die from being too fat (obesity). Also- fat is a mean word:-(
the 3 benefits include : not being fat, not being obese, and lost weight.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In some cultures being fat is a sign of good health because it showed that you were in no danger of starving. Attraction isn't something that can be easily be explained. Just be happy with who you are.
Why are you unfit? I'll tell you, because of what you eat. IF what you eat makes you fat, it has sugars, calories, and fat. Which are all bad for your body and health. So you can't eat a lot of junk food,cause its bad for your health and your body.:)
Which of the following is a feature of fat intake and health
I don't think so, but just like people being obese can cause serous health issues that can cause death. So being fat by itself doesn't but the issues that come with it can.
Getting Fat
Because it'll make you fat, and being fat makes you more likely to get a whole range of health problems.