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Cleaning the house, walking, sex, dancing, cutting the grass, bike ride, swimming.....

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14y ago

Pretty much any and all activities will burn calories. "Active" or "energetic" ones (sports, exercise) will burn more calories than sitting and watching TV will, for example, though.

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Do isometric exercises burn a lot of calories?

Isometric exercise will not burn very many calories. While it does burn some, it is a strength training exercise, whereas something like sit ups or running burns calories.

Does healthy food help to stop calories?

Yes it does. No caloric intake means no need to burn calories: For example, a glass of water, compared to a glass of soda. Why try to burn off calories that you continue to intake? Why not drink water, and burn off calories you took in some other way, some other day, and just feel better about yourself every day.

Why do you burn calories from sleeping?

you still undergo basic bodily functions while you sleep. Heartbeat, brain function, digestion etc. All bodily processes burn some calories. Same reason you burn calories while you're sitting down doing nothing. Save

Does sitting in school writing burn calories?

Yes. Virtually everything requires some calories to do, but sitting and writing does not take too many calories to perform.

What are some easy exercises that burn fat?

Walking is a great easy way to burn fat. So is taking the stairs instead of the elevator and dancing; fun and easy!

What are some no calorie foods?

Water has no calories. Celery (with no dipping sauce) qualifies, because even though it does contain some calories, the effort of chewing it will burn more calories than the celery contains. Some diet sodas have zero calories.

Does flexing burn calories?

Yes, it is recommended to flex regularly to burn as many calories as you can

Can running in place have the same results as running?

No but it is good cardio and will burn some calories

Does chewing and digesting a banana burn more calories than it contains?

Some fruits are excellent for diets. Did you know that you burn more calories chewing and digesting a banana, than you gain from the actual banana.

What exercise burns calories?

All forms of exercise burn calories. Exercise that is intensive, fast-moving (like running), or high-speed will burn the most calories. Some examples are running, swimming, kayaking, jump roping, rock climbing, and hiking.

You weigh 132 pounds so how many calories do you burn running 1 mile?

The number of calories you burn during any exercise can vary some depending on age and gender. However, an approximate number of calories burned by someone 132 pounds is 100.