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side effects of taking pseudo-ginseng and pollen

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Q: What are side effects of taking pseudo ginseng and pollen?
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What are the drug interactions associated with taking Siberian ginseng?

Less likely to produce negative effects when interacting with other medications. Does not effect the body's metabolism when taken with dextromethorphan and benzodiazepine tranquilizers.

What are the drug interactions when using American ginseng?

Not to be taken with caffeine or other stimulants. Negative reactions more likely to occur in combination with other products than when used alone. Caution to be used by those taking hormonal drugs.

Is panax ginseng root extract good for you?

Ginseng can be taken everyday, but with the following precautions. Children, pregnant women and nursing women should avoid taking ginseng. Those with hormone-dependent illnesses or cancers of the breast, ovaries, uterus, or prostate should avoid ginseng because it may have estrogenic effects. Ginseng may lower the rate of heartbeats, so it shouldn't be used by people with heart disease unless under the supervision of a specialist. Ginseng may decrease blood sugar levels, so it shouldn't be taken by people with diabetes unless under a doctor's supervision. Ginseng may worsen insomnia. Side effects of ginseng may include nervousness, agitation, insomnia, diarrhea, headaches, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations. Ginseng can increase the effect of blood-thinners Certain herbs, such as garlic, ginger, horse chestnut, papain, red clover, and saw palmetto, can also increase the risk of bleeding if combined with ginseng. Ginseng may affect heart rhythm and can increase potential side effects from asthma drugs, albuterol, clonidine, sildenafil citrate (Viagra). Ginseng may interact with insulin and other drugs for diabetes Ginseng may interfere with the metabolism of monoamine oxidase inhibitors. It's also believed to affect levels of neurotransmitters. Ginseng stimulates the central nervous system, so it may increase the effects of some medications for narcolepsy, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and obesity. The combination may raise heart rate and blood pressure. Ginseng has been found to interfere with the metabolism of drugs processed by an enzyme called cyp3A4.

Is it safe to take bee pollen with antidepressants?

All the research that has been conducted on the use of bee pollen when taking an antidepressant shows little to no side effects. It is important to note that if you have allergies or sensitive system it is important to talk to your doctor before adding any new supplements when taking an antidepressant.

What are the effects of ginseng?

What is ginseng?Ginseng is an herb used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. In Mandarin Chinese, the wordGinseng literally means "root of man". It was so named because the root of this plant resembles theshape of a human body. Almost 2,000 years ago, the great Chinese medical directory stated thatginseng increased longevity. The main active ingredients in ginseng are called ginsenosides. Thehigher the quantity of ginsenosides, the better the quality of the ginseng.Some people classify ginseng as an adaptogen; a substance that helps the body resist the effects ofphysical and environmental stress. Some people also claim that ginseng can increase physicalendurance under stress, improve mental alertness, memory, thinking ability or even resistance toinfection. Based on the Herb Bible by Earl Mindel, PhD and Ginseng by Betty Kamen, PhD, ginsengfacilitates the reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure. Ginseng may also reduce the risk ofmetastasis (spread) of tumor (cancer). In addition, ginseng may also helps protects the user fromviral infection and reduced cellular oxygen. Ginseng helps reduce discomfort caused by menopause.There are two major types of ginseng: American and Asian. Asian ginseng contains high contents ofthe active ingredients, while American ginseng is mild. Siberian ginseng belongs to different family ofherbs. The "ginseng" in this article refers to Asian ginseng.What are the potential health benefits of ginseng?Ginseng may have multiple health benefits on people at risk or even suffered from various conditions.However, most scientific supports arose from either animal or in vitro studies. Here outlines someinteresting findings:a. Cold Symptom Complex Kaneko et al confirmed the preventive effects of medical ginseng on thecommon cold symptom complex, including flu, by clinical observation. [12]b. Learning and Memory Deficits Nishijo H. found that red ginseng has ameliorating effects on learningand memory deficits due to hippocampal lesions and aging in rats. [13]c. Cancer Kim et al concluded that ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 could inhibit the proliferation of prostatecancer cells. [14]d. Immunoglobulin Production Enhancement Ginseng extract was prepared by boiling the ginseng rootin 50% ethanol. Then, this extact was injected into mice. The researchers found the serum levels ofimmunoglubulins IgM, IgG and IgA were significantly elevated. [15]e. Lim et al extracted water-soluble ginseng Marc polysaccharide and studied its effect on murineperitoneal marcrophages. They found this chemical significantly increased the lysosomal phosphataseactivity and the phagocytic index of peritoneal macrophages. [16]Some Studies suggest ginseng is safe.In a 4-week-placebo-controlled study involving 77 women, no side effects were observed for the 34subjects supplemented with a mixture of ginseng, ginkgo, and damiana, L-arginine, multivitamins, andminerals. [9]Forty-five patients with class IV cardiac function were divided into three groups: group I (digoxingroup), group II (Red Ginseng group) and group III (Red Ginseng plus digoxin group). After treatment,the improvement of the hemodynamical and biochemical indexes of group II and group III weregreater than those of group I, and group III was the most significant amongst all. The resultssuggested that Red Ginseng and digoxin had synergism for treatment of congestive heart failure, andRed Ginseng was an effective and safe adjuvant without any side effects. [10]Song et al found ginsan-an important ingredient in Panax ginseng did not cause hepatic injury in theirstudies [11]Does ginseng have side effects?When used appropriately, ginseng appears to be safe. NCCAM suggests that its use be limited to 3months because of concerns about the development of side effects or adverse events. Ginsengpotentially interacts with many drugs, we must be more aware of its side effects and its druginteractions, and avoid long term use of ginseng supplements. The common side effects of ginsengare mental status changes [nervousness, restlessness, excited feeling, trouble sleeping,gastrointestinal problems etc.]. Other side effects include vaginal bleeding, mastalgia diarrhea, highblood pressures. However, some reported ginseng has hypotensive effects. [8] Ginseng may alsocause allergic reactions. [2,6,7] Because ginseng has side effects related to our mental states,digesive and cardiovascular systems, certain types of people should avoid ginseng:a. People with mental problems. A 56-year-old woman with a previous affective disorder presented amanic episode during ginseng intake. Symptoms disappeared rapidly with low doses of neurolepticsand benzodiazepines after ginseng suppression. [3]b. People who are preparing for surgery. Ginseng may increase the risk of bleeding; ginseng should bediscontinued prior to dermatologic surgery to minimize the risk of surgical complications. [4,7]c. People who drink coffee and smoke excessively. A 39-year-old female patient experiencedmenometrorrhagia, after a prolonged use of oral and topical ginseng. This patient also had a habit ofsmoking, and drinking coffee. After stopping smoking, drinking coffee and using ginseng products forabout two weeks, she had no sign of menometrorrhagia or tachyarrhythmia and her hemoglobinlevels were in the normal range. Smoking and coffee consumption, along with ginseng use, (or justginseng alone) can be responsible for arrhythmogenic effects [5].d. People who have high/low blood pressure or diabetes or those who are using medications/herbs tocontrol blood pressure. Ginseng may have effects on blood pressure and increase the risk of bleeding.[4,7] Ginseng may also lower blood sugar levels. This effect may be seen more in Diabetes. Thus,people with diabetes should use extra caution with ginseng, especially if they are taking blood sugarlowering medicines or other herbs including bitter melon and fenugreek.Users must consult with their doctors before taking ginseng supplements, because of its multiple sideeffects.What brand is good?The brand is very important, it determines the quality of genseng.Serving recommendations and other information vary among different brands of ginsengsupplements. The content does not vary much among different lots of the same brand, while thecontent vary widely between ginseng brands (e.g. total ginsenosides in ginseng ranged from 5.3-18.2mg per serving).[1]Because the ginseng content varies from brand to brand, its doesn't mean that the most expensiveone contains the largest amount of ginseng actives. I would consider only the brands manufacturedunder GMP. After a few trials, if I don't see any effects, I will change the brand.Ginseng's Compound K

What are the effects of smoking ginseng?

What is ginseng?Ginseng is an herb used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. In Mandarin Chinese, the wordGinseng literally means "root of man". It was so named because the root of this plant resembles theshape of a human body. Almost 2,000 years ago, the great Chinese medical directory stated thatginseng increased longevity. The main active ingredients in ginseng are called ginsenosides. Thehigher the quantity of ginsenosides, the better the quality of the ginseng.Some people classify ginseng as an adaptogen; a substance that helps the body resist the effects ofphysical and environmental stress. Some people also claim that ginseng can increase physicalendurance under stress, improve mental alertness, memory, thinking ability or even resistance toinfection. Based on the Herb Bible by Earl Mindel, PhD and Ginseng by Betty Kamen, PhD, ginsengfacilitates the reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure. Ginseng may also reduce the risk ofmetastasis (spread) of tumor (cancer). In addition, ginseng may also helps protects the user fromviral infection and reduced cellular oxygen. Ginseng helps reduce discomfort caused by menopause.There are two major types of ginseng: American and Asian. Asian ginseng contains high contents ofthe active ingredients, while American ginseng is mild. Siberian ginseng belongs to different family ofherbs. The "ginseng" in this article refers to Asian ginseng.What are the potential health benefits of ginseng?Ginseng may have multiple health benefits on people at risk or even suffered from various conditions.However, most scientific supports arose from either animal or in vitro studies. Here outlines someinteresting findings:a. Cold Symptom Complex Kaneko et al confirmed the preventive effects of medical ginseng on thecommon cold symptom complex, including flu, by clinical observation. [12]b. Learning and Memory Deficits Nishijo H. found that red ginseng has ameliorating effects on learningand memory deficits due to hippocampal lesions and aging in rats. [13]c. Cancer Kim et al concluded that ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 could inhibit the proliferation of prostatecancer cells. [14]d. Immunoglobulin Production Enhancement Ginseng extract was prepared by boiling the ginseng rootin 50% ethanol. Then, this extact was injected into mice. The researchers found the serum levels ofimmunoglubulins IgM, IgG and IgA were significantly elevated. [15]e. Lim et al extracted water-soluble ginseng Marc polysaccharide and studied its effect on murineperitoneal marcrophages. They found this chemical significantly increased the lysosomal phosphataseactivity and the phagocytic index of peritoneal macrophages. [16]Some Studies suggest ginseng is safe.In a 4-week-placebo-controlled study involving 77 women, no side effects were observed for the 34subjects supplemented with a mixture of ginseng, ginkgo, and damiana, L-arginine, multivitamins, andminerals. [9]Forty-five patients with class IV cardiac function were divided into three groups: group I (digoxingroup), group II (Red Ginseng group) and group III (Red Ginseng plus digoxin group). After treatment,the improvement of the hemodynamical and biochemical indexes of group II and group III weregreater than those of group I, and group III was the most significant amongst all. The resultssuggested that Red Ginseng and digoxin had synergism for treatment of congestive heart failure, andRed Ginseng was an effective and safe adjuvant without any side effects. [10]Song et al found ginsan-an important ingredient in Panax ginseng did not cause hepatic injury in theirstudies [11]Does ginseng have side effects?When used appropriately, ginseng appears to be safe. NCCAM suggests that its use be limited to 3months because of concerns about the development of side effects or adverse events. Ginsengpotentially interacts with many drugs, we must be more aware of its side effects and its druginteractions, and avoid long term use of ginseng supplements. The common side effects of ginsengare mental status changes [nervousness, restlessness, excited feeling, trouble sleeping,gastrointestinal problems etc.]. Other side effects include vaginal bleeding, mastalgia diarrhea, highblood pressures. However, some reported ginseng has hypotensive effects. [8] Ginseng may alsocause allergic reactions. [2,6,7] Because ginseng has side effects related to our mental states,digesive and cardiovascular systems, certain types of people should avoid ginseng:a. People with mental problems. A 56-year-old woman with a previous affective disorder presented amanic episode during ginseng intake. Symptoms disappeared rapidly with low doses of neurolepticsand benzodiazepines after ginseng suppression. [3]b. People who are preparing for surgery. Ginseng may increase the risk of bleeding; ginseng should bediscontinued prior to dermatologic surgery to minimize the risk of surgical complications. [4,7]c. People who drink coffee and smoke excessively. A 39-year-old female patient experiencedmenometrorrhagia, after a prolonged use of oral and topical ginseng. This patient also had a habit ofsmoking, and drinking coffee. After stopping smoking, drinking coffee and using ginseng products forabout two weeks, she had no sign of menometrorrhagia or tachyarrhythmia and her hemoglobinlevels were in the normal range. Smoking and coffee consumption, along with ginseng use, (or justginseng alone) can be responsible for arrhythmogenic effects [5].d. People who have high/low blood pressure or diabetes or those who are using medications/herbs tocontrol blood pressure. Ginseng may have effects on blood pressure and increase the risk of bleeding.[4,7] Ginseng may also lower blood sugar levels. This effect may be seen more in diabetes. Thus,people with diabetes should use extra caution with ginseng, especially if they are taking blood sugarlowering medicines or other herbs including bitter melon and fenugreek.Users must consult with their doctors before taking ginseng supplements, because of its multiple sideeffects.What brand is good?The brand is very important, it determines the quality of genseng.Serving recommendations and other information vary among different brands of ginsengsupplements. The content does not vary much among different lots of the same brand, while thecontent vary widely between ginseng brands (e.g. total ginsenosides in ginseng ranged from 5.3-18.2mg per serving).[1]Because the ginseng content varies from brand to brand, its doesn't mean that the most expensiveone contains the largest amount of ginseng actives. I would consider only the brands manufacturedunder GMP. After a few trials, if I don't see any effects, I will change the brand.Ginseng's Compound K

What if you take for along time genseng?

Taking ginseng for a long time can potentially lead to side effects such as insomnia, nervousness, and digestive issues. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before using ginseng regularly or for an extended period to ensure it is safe for you and to monitor for any adverse reactions.

What are the precautions associated with using Siberian ginseng?

To be used under the supervision of medical practitioner for pregnant women, children or those taking hormonal drugs. Consumer education on the different types of ginseng and which is best for them. And more . . .

Will you pass a drug test after taking Sudafed 16 hrs prior?

In my experience you can fail for amphetamines after taking sudafed. Sudafed contains pseudo-ephedrine, an ingredient in the manufacture of meth-amphetamine. You need at least 72 ours to get pseudo-ephedrine out of your system.

What is pollinination?

Pollination means transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma in plants.