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Q: What are reasons food choices are important to cardiovascular health?
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Why is excerise important for your cardiovascular health?

because it works your heart and keeps it healthy from bad health

Why is it important to improve cardiovascular systems?

Improving cardiovascular health improves overall health which allows a person to live longer and be healthier. By improving the cardiovascular system you allow your body to do more things without having breathing issues or other problems.

How does the relationship between heart rate and breathing rate affect overall cardiovascular health?

The relationship between heart rate and breathing rate is important for overall cardiovascular health. When the heart rate and breathing rate are in sync, it indicates that the cardiovascular system is functioning efficiently. Regular exercise can help improve this relationship, leading to better cardiovascular health.

5 reasons why cardiovascular endurance is important?

All of the following are true: 1. most important aspect of fitness 2. your heart controls the oxygen flow to all your muscles - meaning cardiovascular health has a direct impact on your performance, both endurance and strength wise. 3. The heart is the most important muscle in the human body 4. It can add on days to your life the higher your endurance level is 5. the last person, had no idea what "cardiovascular" means

Why is the right to refuse health care important?

Patients have a responsibility to make the health care choices they prefer

How do food food choices help your cardiovascular system?

Food choices, depending on the choice, positively affect heart health. These foods are mainly grains such as oats, beans and legumes such as lentils, and other foods high or abundant in soluble fiber.

Why it is important to complete kitchen documentation?

Completing kitchen documents is very important for a number of reasons. One of these reasons is that it is a health hazard not to.

Cardiovascular fitness is considered the most important aspect of physical fitness because?

Exercise is very important for the cardiovascular health. But the muscle building exercise may not be important for the cardiovascular health. You have to do some brisk activity like running for 100 meters, very fast. That will increase your heart rate to 180 to 160 per minute. Older age go for lower heart rate. You have to be breathless.

What is the most important reason to maintain a high level of cardiovascular health?

cardiovascular fitness deals with the heart. if you don't take care of it, chances of heart attack increase. cardiovascular fitness is one of the most important things in fitness. this will decide how long/how well you heart can support you.

Why Resistance Bands are Important for Cardiovascular Health?

Resistance bands don't directly improve the health of your hearts and lungs--unless you use them to do lots of repetitions for long periods of time. However, they can indirectly help your cardiovascular health by adding muscle mass and improving overall fitness. Everything is connected, so when you improve the tone of your muscles, you will be able to do other cardiovascular exercises like running or biking easier and for longer periods of time. That is why resistance bands can be an important accessory that can improve all aspects of health.

When will 'What is cardiovascular health' be answered?

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What is cardiovascular health?

Cardiovascular health is the well-being of the heart and blood vessels. This includes the absence of factors which endanger cardiovascular health. eg. high cholesterol levels. Cardiovascular health has to do with the health of the heart and the circulatory system that carries blood to and from the heart. Cholesterol, triglycerides levels, homoscystiene levels, blood pressure, arteries-all play a part in cardiovascular health. Exercise and a heart-healthy diet help to maintain these normal heart functions. Targeted nutrition through omega 3 fatty acids, CoQ10, folic acid and phytosterols helps to support cardiovascular health.