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The term Neurotropic stands for biological or chemical agents which have special affinity towards nerves and the nervous system /or they act on nerves or nervous system. Neurotropic Vitamins are a mixture of vitamins which act on nerves and nourish, enrich and rejuvenate the nerves. Neurotropic vitamins are usually a combination of variants of Vitamin B, i.e Vitamin B Complex, and comprises mainly of Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Cyanacobalamin, Nicotinamide and D-Panthenol. Neurotropic Vitamins are indicated specially in cases of Neuropathy, Diabetic neuropathy, General debility and chronic illnesses. Neurotropic Vitamins are usually found in two different dosage forms, viz. Tablets and Injections.

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Q: What are neurotropic vitamins?
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