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Q: What are micronutrients that may be fat-soluble or water-soluble called?
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Fertilizers provide plants with?

Fertilizers typically add nitrates, phosphates and sulfates as well as salts of magnesium, potassium and calcium. They may also contain micronutrients of other metals.

What might be the effects of too much or too little micronutrient missing in a diet?

When a person has a micronutrient deficiency, they might suffer from fatigue and the inability to concentrate. Those suffering from an overdose in micronutrients may suffer from nausea, headaches, stomach pain, and vomiting.

What impact does organic food have on us?

Organic food and farming does not pollute the environment with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, some of which may actually be harmful for the soil in addition to getting into our streams and water. Since the methods used in organic farming replenishes micronutrients organically, organic foods may be more nutritious than non-organic.

What are the nutrients found in arid soil?

Arid soils typically have low organic matter content, which means they may be deficient in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Other nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur can also be limited in arid soils. Micronutrients like iron, zinc, and manganese may be present but may not be readily available to plants due to the alkaline pH often found in arid soils.

What are the key ingredients in fertilizer?

The key ingredients in fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. In addition, fertilizers may also contain secondary nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, as well as micronutrients like iron, copper, and zinc.

What Are Micronutrients And Disease Related To Deficiency Of A Micronutrient?

Micronutrients are nutrients and minerals required by the body in tiny sums. Be that as it may, their effect on a body's wellbeing are basic, and lack in any of them can cause extreme and, surprisingly, hazardous circumstances. They play out a scope of capabilities, including empowering the body to deliver proteins, chemicals and different substances required for typical development and improvement. Lacks in iron, vitamin An and iodine are the most well-known all over the planet, especially in youngsters and pregnant ladies. Low-and center pay areas bear the lopsided weight of micronutrient lacks. Go to myexamsolution for more answers

Does Zayn Malik have a cousin called May?

Zayn Malik doesn't have a cousin called May.

What is a week old horse called?

A foal. a male foal may also be called a colt and a female may be called a filly.

What chemicals are in mircal grow liquid fertlelizer?

Miracle-Gro liquid fertilizer typically contains essential nutrients for plants, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with trace minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron. It may also include other ingredients like micronutrients and stabilizers for plant growth and health.

What is in molly's plant food?

Molly's plant food likely contains a combination of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to promote healthy growth. It may also contain micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron to support overall plant health and development. Additionally, some plant foods may include organic components or additives to improve soil structure and microbial activity.

What is May Day called in france?

May Day is called 'le premier mai' ('May the 1st') in French.

What does the 1200 calorie diabetic diet entail?

If you are going to go on a 1200 kcal/day diet, you need to consult your doctor about how to get enough micronutrients from the foods you will be eating. Discuss whether supplements are an option, since limiting yourself to 1200 kcal/day may not provide enough of certain vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy.