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They include an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and Diabetes.

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Q: What are four increase health risk associated with diet in fat?
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Describe the 4 humors and their relationship to personality?

The four humours are the basis of ancient medicine. Essentially, according to the four humours model, general health is held to be reliant on the balance of four major body fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. The concept arose in Ancient Greece, but persisted into the 19th century. Though the idea of the four humours and their effect on general health and temperament has been discarded in the field of medicine, many modern theories of psychology are based upon the four personality types associated with the four humours.

What method g would be increase by four times?

To increase a number by four times, you would multiply the number by 4. For example, if you have the number "g", to increase it by four times you would calculate 4g.