The human body is a very complex machine that, just like any machine need the proper tools and instructions for it to work well. One of the factors that play a big role in the well being and health of the human body is its need for vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are " any of a group of organic substances found in food and essential in small quantities to normal metabolism"1 In other words, the term vitamin is derived from the words vital and amine, because vitamins are required for life and were originally thought to be amines. Although not all vitamins are amines, they are organic compounds required by humans in small amounts from the diet. An organic compound is considered a vitamin if a lack of that compound in the diet results in evident symptoms of deficiency. Humans require at least 13 different vitamins in their diet. On the other hand minerals can be defined as " a neutral inorganic substance,"2 they are elements that originate in the Earth and cannot be made....
That is the correct spelling of the plural noun vitamins(catalytic biological substances).
to keep you healthy
Osmosis is of great importance to the biological process.
The importance of vegetables in our diet is to help provide the human body with vitamins. The human body needs vitamins in order to function properly.
this is the impact something makes life
by the cells
provides vitamins ..i think..
in saturated and unsaturated fatsin some vitamins and steroidsin biological membranes
in saturated and unsaturated fatsin some vitamins and steroidsin biological membranes
The importance of vegetables is that they provide us with vitamins and other nutrients that help to properly function the body.
Zirconium has any biological role.