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Cattle can provide meat, milk, draft power, and fiber. They are also used as companions and riding animals with surprising frequency. Cattle can also be used as show animals, living lawnmowers, companions for horses, and as rodeo stock. Most are raised for profit and as a means to manage grasslands as bison once had, except that the bison population is too small to be able to be used on such native grasslands.

Raising cattle also enables a person with experience and knowledge of how cattle behave, how to feed them, breed them, etc. This experience and knowledge can be used to teach other people who want to get into the business of raising cattle, and to share methods that you have learned with other experienced cattle producers. Raising cattle enables a person to get involved in managing and learning how the natural cycles and nature works according to how the grass and seasonal cycles work, especially if you are one to be raising cattle on grass only. Raising cattle also gives you a much more in-depth sight of what it takes to care for such animals that other people, especially those who live in cities, could never understand or appreciate.

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Q: What are advantages of raising cattle?
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Raising cattle.

What is the definition for beef cattle raising?

It is the process of breeding and raising cattle for the purpose of meat production.

Can you give me a sentence for cattle raising?

Cattle raising is important to the cattle industry because it keeps a constant supply of calves that are used for beef.

What is beef cattle raising?

Beef cattle raising is just a play of words for a job of raising beef cattle. Raising beef cattle often involves breeding beef cows to a bull to produce calves that are sold for the meat market. However raising beef cattle also involves raising purebreds to sell to other producers; stocker/backgrounding operation which "raise" weanling calves from weaning age to adequate age and weight to start finishing; and "raising" steers or finishing cattle to slaughter.

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The upside of raising Belgian Blue cattle is the quick and easy way they put on weight. They also have a much higher edible muscle mass than many cattle, and the milk they produce for their calves is very high in protein.

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Raising cattle for beef (or, as you like to call it, "beef cattle raising") has been around since the New Stone Age, which is over 10,000 years ago. Thus there is no definite year when such an event was "invented."

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Which states have cattle herding as a primary industry?

None, since cattle herding is not an industry. Raising cattle, however, is. Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma are the top five states as far as raising beef cattle is concerned. California, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania and Idaho are the top five states for the raising of dairy cattle and gross milk production.

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A cattle station is another name for a cattle ranch. It is an extensive operation in Australia that focuses on the extensive raising and grazing of cattle.

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