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The following foods contain trans fats and should be avoided, due to their ability to raise cholesterol and your risk of Heart disease:

  • Packaged Foods
  • Packaged Soups
  • Fast Food
  • Packed Frozen Food
  • Baked Goods
  • Chips and Crackers
  • Cookies and Candy
  • Toppings and Dips
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Q: What are 5 foods with Trans fat as their primary source?
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Related questions

What is the reason behind the recent wave to trans fat free foods?

The reason behind the recent wave to trans fat free foods is that they are seen as being healthier. This is because trans fat free foods can lower cholesterol.

What food has trans fat?

i think that by stating 'what food has trans fat' you are saying that you want only one food but by saying 'what foods have trans fat' you want all the foods, not just one.

Which is the poorest source of fat?

Trans fats are considered the poorest source of fat because they raise bad cholesterol levels and lower good cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease. Trans fats are found in partially hydrogenated oils often used in processed foods and baked goods. Minimizing or avoiding trans fat intake is essential for maintaining heart health.

What is a very unhealthy fat found in fast foods?

The worst is called "Trans fat"

What foods have no trans fats?

Well, a lot of foods do. a lot of chip brands are changing to no trans fat. Why dont you just look at the labels?

Why is 'trans' as in 'trans fat' usually written in italics?

It isn't. But it is on the nutritional panels of FDA-regulated foods.

What is the unhealthiest type of fat?

fat made from fat in fatty foods witch make you fat and fat is not good

What is a major source of trans fat?

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Is transfat real or not?

Trans fat is totally real. You're body doesn't process it well, so many companies make their foods without it. In fact last year Denmark banned trans fat from all foods!

What foods are high in trans fat?

KFC, Mcdonalds, American Fast foods, and possibly junk foodFatty foodsBBQ meat

Is hydrogenated lard trans fat?

No, lard is not inherently trans fat. Trans fat generally refers to hydrogenated fats developed by man-made processes to keep foodstuffs moist and tender through abnormal temperatures. Fried, processed, and some baked goods contain hydrogenated (trans) fat. Though trans fat do occur naturally in some degree (such as in dairy), the anti-trans fat push is for heavily manufactured foods.

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