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Q: What Complex carbohydrates made by the human body are stored in the?
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Excess carbohydrates are synthesized into?

Carbohydrates in any form, (simple or complex) are eventually turned into Glucose. Glucose is a simple sugar. If you do not utilize all of the Glucose stored in your body, it will become fat. This will be stored in your fat cells.

Are the primary source of energy for human body?

Carbohydrates and fats are the primary sources of energy for the human body. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is used for immediate energy, while fats are stored and broken down for energy when needed. Protein can also be used for energy if carbohydrates and fats are insufficient.

Most carbohydrates in the human body are?

Most carbohydrates in the human body are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles, serving as a primary source of energy. Excess carbohydrates can also be converted to fat for long-term energy storage. Some carbohydrates are used immediately for energy or incorporated into cellular structures.

Low carbohydrate diets claim that carbohydrates create human fat?

The premise of low carbohydrate diets is that carbohydrates create fat. The reasoning is that carbohydrates are easily converted into energy by the body. Any extra energy is stored by the body as fat, regardless of the source.

Why is carbohydrate called protein sparer?

When your body needs energy, it will first use carbohydrates stored in your body, sparing the protein and fats in your body. When the stored carbohydrates are depleted, the body will start using protein and fats.

How is energy stored in the body?

Food provides energy, and too much food = too much energy so it will be stored. It will be stored and it is what we call fat. Fat can be stored almost anywhere on the human body, their usually stored around our bellys, butts, legs and arms.

Which type of food can be stored as body fat?

Sugar and carbohydrates are stored as body fat. This is extra energy that the body doesn't need and so it is stored as fat.

How are most carbohydrates used in the human body?

Carbohydrates relate to the human body by creating the energy the body needs to move.

When you eat a vegetable your body from carbohydrates stored in plant?

your body uses it for energy

Is fiber stored for when you have no carbohydrates to burn?

No, fats are used as energy once your body has no carbohydrates left to burn.

Do complex carbohydrates provide the body with short-term bursts of energy?

Generally complex carbohydrates provide a long-term source of energy, as it takes time to break the complex carbohydrates down. Examples of complex carbohydrates includes whole grains and soluble fibers like those in fruits and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates like sugars provide a short-term burst of energy.

What are compelx carbohydrates?

Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates which are released at a slower rate, therefore giving the body energy over a prolonged period of time. Examples of complex carbohydrates are whole grain breads, rice, and pasta.