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Ezekiel 4:15; The whole 4th chapter tells the story.

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Q: What Bible character cooked his bread on cow dung?
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Which Old Testament prophet cooked his meals using his own excrement as fuel?

Ezekiel 4:12-13. Implied that he may be eating cooked dung but more that his bread is made from the fire that is stoked with human dung.

What does a Dung beetle eat?

A dung beetle eats dung.

Who in the holy bible used human fecal matter as fuel to prepare food?

Ezekiel was commanded by God to use it in a demonstration of how horrified He was regarding the sins of His banished people... as well as a horrific demonstration of the lives they and their descendants would endure under the no-holds-barred rules of Gentiles [lawlessness that included the disgusting ways of unhealthy Gentile 'food preparation']."Each day prepare your bread as you would barley cakes. WHILE THE PEOPLE ARE WATCHING, bake it over a fire using dried human dung as fuel and then eat the bread. For this is what the LORD says: 'Israel WILL EAT DEFILED BREAD in the Gentile lands, WHERE I WILL BANISH THEM!'" (Ez.4:12 NLT New Living Translation)Ezekiel, however, respectfully petitioned the LORD, in deference to his past obedience to His dietary laws, not to use human dung:"...'O Sovereign LORD, must I defile myself by using human dung? For I have NEVER been defiled before...' (verse 14).So, Ezekiel DID NOT USE HUMAN FECAL MATTER... but was permitted by the LORD to substitute:...'All right,' the LORD said. 'YOU MAY BAKE YOUR BREAD WITH COW DUNG instead of human dung.'" (verse 15)

When was Sylvanus Dung Dung born?

Sylvanus Dung Dung was born in 1949.

What insect eats its dung?

Dung beetles do this.

What is a Dung Flinger?

It is a flinger of Dung It is a flinger of Dung

What is the collective noun for dung?

The collective noun for dung is a pile of dung.

What is another dung?

Not the original dung.

What is crocodile dung?

crocodile dung is poo

What does dung beetles eat?

They eat dung.

How do dung beetles leading?

they lead with dung

What is fossilized dung?

It is dung that has become fossilized.