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heterotrophic,autotrophic and mtmagictime=0

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Q: What 3 ways do eubacteria obtain nutrients?
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What are two ways archaea different from the eubacteria?

the archea has 5 nucleus and the eubacteria only have 3..... visit the comparision website for a better answer....

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Protists can obtain energy through photosynthesis, like algae and some protists with chloroplasts. They can also feed on organic matter as heterotrophs, breaking down complex molecules into nutrients. Some protists engage in symbiotic relationships with other organisms to obtain energy, such as mutualistic relationships with algae or bacteria.

How did eubacteria evolve?

Eubacteria evolved from ancestral prokaryotic cells over billions of years through adaptations to various environments and selection pressures. They acquired a diverse range of metabolic pathways, genetic mutations, and genetic diversity, allowing them to thrive in different habitats and contribute to the vast microbial diversity on Earth.

In the modern classification system the three domains are?

1. Archaea 2. Eubacteria 3. Eukarya

What are 3 organic fertilizers for turf?

3 organic (natural) ways to add nutrients to lawns are wood ash, compost and aged manure.

Can bacteria be submicroscopic?

Eubacteria is a domain that is primarily comprised of microorganisms called bacteria. Their average size is around 1 to 3 micrometers.

What is one way that members of archaebacteria different from members of eubacteria?

They have different types of cell walls and cell membranes.

What are 3 ways bacteria helps your digestive system?

Cleans out your intestines, decomposes some wastes, and helps get nutrients out of the wastes.

What are 3 organisms of eubacteria?

Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, and Clostridium tetani.

Do you have legal rights to possession of an item that was a gift?

Yes, there are 3 legal ways to obtain an item which are: 1. Possession 2. Production 3. Gift

Name 3 kinds of organisims that feed heterotrophically?

Humans: obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms or organic matter. Dogs: rely on consuming food sources like meat, grains, and vegetables for nutrition. Fungi: obtain nutrients by absorbing organic material from the environment, decomposing dead organisms.