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For a calorie - based diet plan, you need a menu planner with a calorie counter. Most quality websites that feature calorie counters and menu planners are fee-based (such as, but there are a few good ones that are free (such as ). you can also enter your target weight, and the web site calculates how many calories you should eat every day to reach that weight.

Since you mentioned you'd like to lose weight fast, a word of advice: the sustainable weight loss rate for most people is about 2lb/week. If you try to lose weight faster than that, you may either gain the weight back once you end your diet, or, worse, you may suffer adverse health effects by cutting down too much on your calorie intake.

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Q: To start a calorie counting-based diet and lose weight fast where should you look for resources?
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Where can one find information on calorie controlled diet?

Information on a calorie controlled diet can be found from many sources on the internet. Such sources include WebMD, Weight Loss Resources, and Diabetes UK.

Where can one find a list of calories in food?

A list of calories in food can be found on Health, Keep and Share, What's Cooking America, Calorie King, Calorie Counter, What Diet and Weight Loss Resources.

Calulate "Your" Daily Calorie Intake?

The recommended daily calorie intake is different for men and women. In order to maintain a healthy weight, men should not consume more than 1,800 calorie a day. The number of allotted calories for women is slightly lower at 1,200 daily. The number of calories you eat daily determined how much you weigh. It is important to calculate your own personal calorie intake based on your weight, body type and physical activity level. If trying to lose weight, then the amount of calories consumed needs to be reduced. Your daily calorie intake should be increased if trying to gain weight.

What is the calorie intake for people who are trying to lose weight?

The number of calories you should take in on a diet will depend on your weight and activity level. A low calorie diet (within reason) is the easiest way to lose weight, since weight loss depends on burning more calories than you take in.

Is a low-calorie diet effective for weight loss and if so how should you go about it?

While a low calorie diet is effective for weight loss, you should combine your diet program with a workout program. To lose weight, you should eat less calories than you burn, so your body burns excess calories. However, be careful not to overdo it. You should not try to lose more than 2 pounds per week, which is considered a sustainable rate. To start a low-calorie diet, use a menu planner with a calorie counter. With a menu planner, you can choose your meals and shows you how many calories you eat with your meals and how many you need to eat daily to reach your target weight.

How can a kid can reduce weight?

Reduce calorie intake below calorie expenditure or increase calorie expenditure above calorie intake. A combination of both.

Will lean cuisine dinners cause weight loss?

They do not MAKE you lose weight. But substituting low-calorie meals for high-calorie ones can help you lose weight.

How many calories does it take to maintain a weight of 195?

Maintaing a certain weight, regardless of that weight, is about balancing your calorie intake with your calorie expenditure. If you expend as many calories as you eat, you will maintain your weight.

Calorie intake to lose weight for a 50 yr old female?

1000 kcal per day should be sufficient.

What is the amount of calories you should have when on a slimming diet?

Well it depnds on your weight now and the weight you intend to weigh, you age, height, and body compostion, and your recommended calorie count.

How do you become normal weight when you are under weight?

increase calorie intake

How many calorie diet should a 27 year old guy be on?

It depends on weight, height, bone structure and activities that he is involved in. If he is active, and maintaining a certain healthy weight, then nothing needs to be changed. If weight loss is wanted or needed then combining more activity with less calorie will result in weight loss. There are many factors to take in.